[XP Themes] Which uses mroe resources?

12 Jun 2005
Hi there,

I am trying to optimise my PC to run as fast as it can with all the eye candy turned on.

I was wondering which uses more resources UX Theme Patch (Windows Theme services) or Windows Blinds?

Or is there one that uses even less?

uxtheme uses 0 extra resources as its already a part of windows, the patched version just allows for non ms signed styles to be run

luna element 5 thats a nice style :)
Yeah what i am saying is that if you are using Windows Blinds you can disable the themes service for windows, whereas if you are using UXTheme Patch it uses the theme service.

So which would use more resources.
i didn't know that

another plus is that uxtheme is free, and the themes service is part of a svchost file, give them both a whirl and see which suits you most
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