Xpenology on a microserver - network speeds

10 Jan 2009
Hi guys, I've noticed a few times now that I've had slow network speeds (onboard nic) coming from my xpenology machine - when I check its only the connection is often at 100mbps not gigabit - if I restart the machine I get gigabit again for a while. Any ideas what I could be encountering?
Hi guys, I've noticed a few times now that I've had slow network speeds (onboard nic) coming from my xpenology machine - when I check its only the connection is often at 100mbps not gigabit - if I restart the machine I get gigabit again for a while. Any ideas what I could be encountering?
I suspect the Ethernet lead has some damage and the NIC is dropping the speed to try and reduce the volume of packets that are rejected at the switch/router as unreadable (or it not being able to understand what it's receiving from the switch/router).
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Ah thats a really good point, one I hadn't considered! I will try another cable - hopefully its the cable on the outside of the wall and not in :D

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