Xpenology or unraid

21 Jan 2010
Hi folks,
After some advice after my failed attempt to update my gen 8 microserver to xpenology 6.1
It didn't work (I believe I followed instructions to the letter), and now I have a crashed status. Luckily I have everything backed up, and drives still function, but obviously something has gone wrong.
Ordered 2 new drives so I have extra redundancy.
I'm debating whether to just start fresh and go on xpenology 6.2 or if unraid might be a better option as it may be better supported etc going forward. I like the dsm interface, does unraid offer the same? I sync certain folders on my pc to back up once I'm logged on (work docs etc). Does unraid offer similar?
I'm no expert in this area, but just want pics, videos, films etc backed up and be able to stream to my tv

I've never tried Xpenology but went from Synology to UnRAID and in my opinion unRAID is far better!

The UI is quite easy to follow and I think you can try unRAID for free if memory serves!

I'm probably only using a tiny percentage of what it offers but does everything fine for me! (Plex, storage etc!)

It does sound good. What do you run it on currently? I suppose one concern for me is the hardware, I only meet minimum requirements. If I got a licence I'd be annoyed if I suddenly couldn't update as my specs were too low (although that applies for most things anyway).
I really need to have a good mess around with the server, not even updated bios since I got it. It runs loud!
Thanks folks. Think I'll give it a try. Got 2 new clean drives, so can just install fresh and see what it's like. Is a license roughly £50? Not had a chance to look into it properly but I'll check out that guy on YouTube mentioned above. Think I've read elsewhere about people moving their data from synology to unraid using Linux so need to get some guides on that to. Looks like I'll have a busy few days
Hello again,

Ok, after a lot of fiddling I've finally gone down the unRaid route. The fiddling was getting my microserver updated (out of warranty). Took a while to track down how to update it.
Anyway, now have unRaid trial, but I'm a bit confused. I have 2 x3tb drives. What's the best set-up? 1 as parity and the other as the Disk 1? Is this essentially a mirror? Been googling, but bit baffled by some of the scientific responses. It looks like it is. I do have 2 more 2 x3tb drives, but wanted to back upo my backups by swapping out both unRaid drives then chucking these ones in to basically do the same job. Swap drives every few months. Does that make sense or am I better just chucking all the drives in?

Chuck them all in and use single disk parity.
Hoho, sounds like a plan.
Another quick question if I can. If I build the array with just the 2 drives to start (1 party and disk 1. I can start copying over data etc and build my folders. If I then add the other 2 disks, how do they mirror each other? Looking at videos etc it looks like you can split data between disks? I'd rather have them mirrored, or is that all handled by parity? Sorry if this is basic, not come across parity before (unless it goes by another name)
OK, so finally my drives are running. Now my new issue, I can't for the life of me add any user shares! Been googling, but it just seems like a simple click and add, but every time I do it the gui seems like it's doing something, then just resets the page and nothing gets added
It's doing my head in. Hoping it's something simple, but gahhh!
OK, feel free to point and laugh at me! Figured out my issue. I wrongly assumed after all the parity check etc (which took 7 hours), that my disk was set up. What I discovered this morning was that little check box about formatting the drive so it could mount. D'oh!!
I've seen some of his videos. Got some shares up and running and currently adding my files.
Any suggestions for dlna so I can stream to my TV? My TV can't find my server, and most people suggest plex etc. Never used it and understand there's a naming convention?
On xpe I could just link straight to server and stream
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