Yamaha 673, HDMI sound droped

10 Jan 2007
Hello all

so i have the above amp, and my TV is a Samsung UE40MU6400, once in a blue moon i would have a problem were the HDMI audio would not be working, but if i turned the amp off and on again or the TV it would sort its self out, but no joy the last 3 days, i have no audio and have had to plug everything directly into the TV

I have updated the amp to the latest firmware, i have swapped around the cable that feeds from the amp to the TV, have tried plugging it in the ARC socket on the TV but no joy, it looks a lot like the TV is not seeing the amp, and if i go into the options on TV and look at the sound out options, i can only choose Tv speakers, Coax out or BT speakers.

The only inputs i have to my amp is my DVD player and PC and problem is the same on either, the only joy i did have was having the DVD player passing through the amp, and then turning the amp off, so the video signal remained, and then the TV switched to its own speakers with no problem, but as soon as i turn the amp back i get nothing.

Thinking about replacing the amp, but the problem my persist with a different amp(not yamaha)?
It's tempting to abandon a brand if you've had a problem, so I can understand your thinking. FWIW though, IME, Yamaha is probably one of the most reliable receiver brands. It doesn't have the overheating issues of Onkyo and Denon. It hasn't got the consistency and reliability issues of Marantz. It hasn't abandoned proper transformer power amps like Pioneer. And it doesn'thave the usability restrictions of Sony.

Yamaha is good, but not infallible, so you may well have an issue with your 7-8 year old amp. That can't be ruled out with any brand. None are 100% reliable all of the time. However, I know that's no real comfort if you happen to be in the very small group that have a problem. All I am saying is don't chuck the baby out with the bath water.

Have you tried a system reset? Before you do,make sure to note down any custom settings so you can put them back in if required.
I've had Sony, Yamaha, Sherwood (in the day) and now Denon. The two Sony's went pear shapped, the Sherwood is still going over 20 years later and the Yamahas have been fantastic not a single fault. I now have Denon. Why? Because I just felt like a change. IMHO the Denon sound slightly warmer and bigger than my previous Yamaha's BUT my GOD do they run hot... you really do need to keep them ventilated especially the daddy 13 channel ones. You could cook an egg on my 6400H lol... however, time will tell how reliable but as above, I believe Yamaha to be the most reliable of the mainstream makes, so please, go for the one that fits your price and needs... and not to just change from yamaha... I got a massive deal on my two Denons and that really is the only reason why I switched sides.
I tried a factory reset this morning, but no joy, even got new hdmi cables and still the same.

Can anyone recommend another amp? £400 budget, mostly used for TV, films gaming, using 5.1 atm

I replaced this amp in February with a Denon X1600h and am having problems with it dropping signal for a couple of seconds and then coming back on, still under warranty so will be getting sent back, guess I need to be looking for something else
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