Yamaha Amp & power draw issue

7 Jan 2009
Hey guys,

Strange one here hoping someone can maybe share some solutions with me.

I have a yamaha Amp & Samsung Uled TV (don't know specific models rn) but fantastic setup love it.
However one issue I have, and it seems to be from the amp is when something else draws power quick in the house say a kettle or the boiler is switched on or something it will temporarily for a couple of seconds cut video signal to the TV then come back on and be fine.

Just annoying when your playing on the xbox or ps4 then bam video signal cuts out temporarily for a couple of seconds.

The extension lead to all this equipment is surge protected so I'm unsure exactly what's going on, has anyone experienced this before?
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Your extension is surge protected, so it covers the power connections running through it against spikes (overvoltage), but that doesn't provide protection against brownouts (drops in voltage) or radiated interference.

You'll have seen the effects of a brownout if you've ever seen someone start a car engine when the (lamp) headlights are on. They dim when the starter motor turns because it draws a lot of current. That in turn causes the battery voltage to sag a bit, and so the headlights don't get the full 12V they're expecting.

This is only really an issue though for a self-contained power system such as a car or someone running from their own electrical generator. For the rest of us, we're connected to the national grid, and through it to the power stations generating the county's electricity supply. Within reason then, it shouldn't matter how much current we draw from a kettle or the shower or a boiler or an electric oven, the voltage remains fairly consistent unless there's a problem with the power stations or some issue with the local substations.

A more likely cause of HDMI video loss is some interference disrupting the timing signals (TMDS).

Unless you're very lucky, and just happen to hit on the right solution at the first attempt, problems such can this take some time to nail down the cause. Don't be discouraged if the fix doesn't happen immediately.

Start off by having a look at your HDMI cabling, and maybe try the input reset for the Samsung TV. Here are some links:


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