Yamaha RXV-677 and Deezer?

25 Mar 2004
I have a Yamaha RXV-677 AVR, works well, but only seems to support Spotify Connect out of the box. Anyone worked out a way to get Deezer onto this AVR?

I had a Spotify account but they messed me about after my account got hacked, so don't really want to pay them for Premium anymore.

AVR doesn't support BT, or I would probably use that. My PI connected to my AVR is running Plex but not seen that supporting Deezer either.
Hmm not a bad idea, though I would really like to find someone with a spare so I could test it I guess.

My Samsung F8000 "Smart TV" will only route sound to the AVR via Optical cable, even when it has HDMI-ARC attached, it's absolutely crazy. Attaching both Optical and HDMI-ARC causes the AVR to power on and auto switch to the Optical source, which is a tad annoying.

I'd need to see if Chromecast will piggy back on the HDMI-ARC or not, hopefully it would.

I could also see if I could hook up my old PI with something that will let me play Deezer to the AVR that way...
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