Yamaha Ybr 125

10 Jan 2012
Decided what I want after lots of research (boarding on obsessive been on for awhile doing this).
I want a Yamaha Ybr 125 in either black or blue, preferably blue. Seem to be the best little commuter/learning bikes with great fuel efficiency.
They seem to be very hard to find as they are popular from looking around.
Can't seem to find any around my area (sunderland) on gumtree/dealers. I can't travel too far outside of Sunderland.
If anyone could point me in the right direction

Also after some tips on what I need to be looking out for in regards to rust, price, miles on the clock, year of the bike? etc thanks!
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I'm commuting on one, great little bike, I get 110mpg and I thrash it somewhat.

Always starts in the morning. Check my posts in this forum section for more info and pics, but I've got a 60 plate which I got from Gumtree for £1,300. It had 2,600 miles and is in excellent condition.

Niggles so far are a few auto gear drops if the gear lever isn't pushed up completely during a gear change, and a poor headlight.

Parts are dirt cheap, new levers are £5 on eBay if you drop the bike and damage one so no point fannying around with a blowtorch to bend it back. I've recently fitted Michelin Pilot Street tyres front and back and both tyres fitted cost £70.

It's also great fun around town and pretty good away from the lights.
I'm commuting on one, great little bike, I get 110mpg and I thrash it somewhat.

Always starts in the morning. Check my posts in this forum section for more info and pics, but I've got a 60 plate which I got from Gumtree for £1,300. It had 2,600 miles and is in excellent condition.

Niggles so far are a few auto gear drops if the gear lever isn't pushed up completely during a gear change, and a poor headlight.

Parts are dirt cheap, new levers are £5 on eBay if you drop the bike and damage one so no point fannying around with a blowtorch to bend it back. I've recently fitted Michelin Pilot Street tyres front and back and both tyres fitted cost £70.

It's also great fun around town and pretty good away from the lights.

cheers. What does the plate mean?
What kind of insurance do you have on it, looking around insurance would be like £700+ most places for full cover...
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60 plate is the year of the numberplate.....i.e. 2010.

I have third party only, cost £97 via Hastings Direct which isn't bad for a CBT punter. But I am an ancient 33 years old :p.
60 plate is the year of the numberplate.....i.e. 2010.

I have third party only, cost £97 via Hastings Direct which isn't bad for a CBT punter. But I am an ancient 33 years old :p.

£97 per month? that's allot :eek:
Do you think its worth getting comprehensive?
It will be locked to a immovable object at all times with a 16mm chain & lock with a disc lock in the front wheel, and stored in "garage" (really a shed) again tied down to the ground with the chain lock and disc lock.
Found a couple of YBR125's on gumtree for around £800-1300 around the sunderland/newcastle area
Seem to be in decent nick for the most part, just rust on exhaust (which can be cleaned with a rag and white vinegar)
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I expect that's £97 p/year :D
I was getting lower quotes on moneysupermarket rather than comparethemarket for bike insurance, might be worth having a look there.
I expect that's £97 p/year :D

Waaaaaa, how so cheap o_o
On moneysupermarket, still getting quotes for £700+ for comprihensive and £200+ for third party from Hastings Direct, put my age up to like 35+ and it short down half....they sure do take the micky of younger drivers (I'm 23)

EDIT: Managed to get it down to £574.16 Comprehensive and still £274.89 for Third Party and Third Party Fire and Theft....via Hastings Direct.
Is comprehensive even needed over Third party fire and theft, the only thing I can tell which it is better for is if you cause damage to your bike your covered (which would be cheap enough to replace yourself anyway)
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Waaaaaa, how so cheap o_o
On moneysupermarket, still getting quotes for £700+ for comprihensive and £200+ for third party from Hastings Direct, Why is it so much :(

How old are you and where do you live? If you're young/live in london or a big city then that will be why.

I pay £180 a year TPFT for my Honda Varadero 125, but that is doing 10k miles a year.

Did some quotes for a honda CB/CBF500 as a new rider last week - 0 NCD, 10k miles year... £150 for the year TPFT or £250 fully comp :p

The benefits of being old (also 33).
How old are you and where do you live? If you're young/live in london or a big city then that will be why.

I pay £180 a year TPFT for my Honda Varadero 125, but that is doing 10k miles a year.

Did some quotes for a honda CB/CBF500 as a new rider last week - 0 NCD, 10k miles year... £150 for the year TPFT or £250 fully comp :p

The benefits of being old (also 33).

I'm 23 in sunderland, kept in garage.
Lowest I've been able to get is £272.20 for Third Party Fire and Theft (still £500+ for comprehensive) putting in 4000 miles per year as I doubt I will go over that (probably won't even break 3000), just for commuting 20mins there 20 mins back to work, mainly on just one big road all the way.
Paying £500 p/y for a bike costing me £1000-1300 is silly, even almost £300....
Even putting Voluntary Excess to £1000 adding loads of test and advanced riding certificate doesn't even do anything to the price.
Changed my address, little difference. The only thing that seems to make a big difference is my AGE and no claims discount...even then can't get it below £100 for just third party
They con you so bad....
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I'm 23 in sunderland, kept in garage.
Lowest I've been able to get is £272.20 for Third Party Fire and Theft (still £500+ for comprehensive) putting in 4000 miles per year as I doubt I will go over that (probably won't even break 3000), just for commuting 20mins there 20 mins back to work, mainly on just one big road all the way.
Paying £500 p/y for a bike costing me £1000-1300 is silly, even almost £300....
What industry is call center staff? (work for one of the big 5 energy company s) cant really find anything suitable on the lists.

Ah ha. 23 huh? Once you turn 25 it'll come down a lot, in insurers eyes you're still "young" and at a higher risk than average. If you live in the city centre that won't help either, check out your postcode here http://www.carinsuranceexplained.com/car-insurance-explained/car-insurance-postcode-risk-list.html

Ahh, Sunderland is either E or D, so fairly high or medium.

Industry/job don't matter too much, apart from a few high risk jobs like journalist. Industry will be what the company does, so in your case: Energy. Customer advisor is probably the closest for job title.
Ah ha. 23 huh? Once you turn 25 it'll come down a lot, in insurers eyes you're still "young" and at a higher risk than average. If you live in the city centre that won't help either, check out your postcode here http://www.carinsuranceexplained.com/car-insurance-explained/car-insurance-postcode-risk-list.html

Ahh, Sunderland is either E or D, so fairly high or medium.

Industry/job don't matter too much, apart from a few high risk jobs like journalist. Industry will be what the company does, so in your case: Energy. Customer advisor is probably the closest for job title.

I'm in area E, This isn't really a bad area, lived here since I was born, nothing ever happened around here....
Put my age to 25 and it went down like £90.
I wouldn't even be going into the city center at all. My work is basically down a few roads (no where near city center) then onto a dual carriageway with no hills (which the yamaha will be perfectly fine for) pretty much all the way there.
Still £270 for a £1000-1300 bike, seems a tad excessive or I'm just naive on how much insurance company's rob you.
Would you recommend full cover regardless? The only difference I can tell from Comprehensive and Third party fire and theft is comprehensive covers damage you do to your own bike (like falling over and scratching/breaking something on it)
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I see.
This isn't really a bad area, and I wouldn't even be going into the city center at all. My work is basically down a few roads (no where near city center) then onto a dual carriageway pretty much all the way there.

Insurance is all about risk. Take a base price, based on vehicle. A very similar bike to another (VFR800 vs say Triumph Sprint ST 1050) can be very difference in price to start with, based on stolen stats, cost to repair, accident stats etc.

Then add a % if you're under 25. Take of a % if you're old. Add a % if you're doing over, say 5k miles a year. Remove a % if the bike is garaged. Remove a % for number of years of NCD. Add a % for if you've old held your license for less than a year. Add/remove a percentage based on post code risk (again, stats/risk). And so on, and so on. ;)

Ride a high risk bike (of being stolen/crashed), or live in a high risk area, or be a high risk age, or do a high risk job, and that'll cost you more, because in the eyes of the insurer, the chances of you claiming are higher. It's all a betting game by the insurers - high risk = more likely to claim = more money. We've all had to do it as young drivers/riders, pay stupid amounts to insure a crappy car or bike.
Personally, on a bike of that value, I'd go TPFT - if or when you do drop it, unless you have a big accident - it'll be small stuff (levers etc) that need replacing, and it's not worth the hassle claiming for that, especially when the excess is probably £300+.

I thought OP's quote was abit high, but my area got an A, no wonder its so cheap for me!

I paid £330 FC on an 7 year old CG at 17 with no ncb.
Yeah that'll help :)

Don't think that list is fully up to date as I certainly don't need to garage my bike and I'm in a D. But it gives an idea as to what might be hiking up the price.
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Just thought I'd say found a seller willing to sell me a basically brand new YBR MOT + TAX all till next year for £1300, 2011 version. Going to go see it on Tuesday and assuming everything is good, buying it on the spot.
Insurance for £290 for the year, then in 2 years will go down even more due to turning 25, so happy over-all.
Anyone know if the YBR has any small storage anywhere to put a screwdriver and small stuff?
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should have a small storage compartment under the seat,and have a tool roll already

check when you have a look at it
Anyone know what the difference between custom and non custom is for the ybr, cant tell anything (looking for wind screen)
Custom has higher bars, more chrome, and a lower seat. More of a cruiser style but not that much different to the standard YBR 125. Different wheels too.
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