Yawn... HM Aeron size question

9 Jan 2023
Hi all,

Just had approval from work to buy an Aeron so wondering about size. I'm 6ft tall and about 13 stone so by all reckoning the B size is the one to go for but thought I'd double check on any real user information just in case I should go C.

Thanks in advance....
Can't comment on which would be suitable for you, but when I was looking for office chairs John Lewis seemed to have the aeron on their floor,so may worth going round to your nearest and trying it out.
B. I tried a C and had one for a week then decided to swap for a B. Fit better but then I realised they're just not comfortable chairs for me personally so got rid of that too. Helpful right.
B. I tried a C and had one for a week then decided to swap for a B. Fit better but then I realised they're just not comfortable chairs for me personally so got rid of that too. Helpful right.
We had Aerons in the office, when I used to go in which is over 10 years now... I didn't realise at the time what they were but I never had any issues so fingers crossed it'll be the same now.
I just bought a size C yesterday and have my size B next to me that I'll be selling on. I'm similar weight but 5ft10 w/ larger than normal quads. I'm finding the C a much bigger chair and it is a relaxed/wider fit. The B feels a more tailored. I'll spend rest of the week before I make a call on it.

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@DarkShadow Looking good and I'm hoping the B will be fine for me. I am thinking I may get one of the Engineered Now headrests for it but the one on your chair looks different, is it?
It is different and it's very well made. I've not been able to find any details on it but it was supplied by a dealer and sourced as an option.

I'm sure Size B will be great, it served me well enough to be my long-term chair.
I found the C dug into the back of my thighs as had a longer overhang. Also noticeably wider. Initially feels nicer, but when I spent a whole day in one, then switched to a B, for me it was better. They're still very marmite chairs anyway. I just can't get on with them.
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