Yay new job! No wait, old job again!

8 Nov 2005
I've just spent the past three weeks interviewing and waiting for a job as a "Server Analyst", and on Monday was delighted to hear that though there were four jobs, and four people had had second interviews, I was one of only two people who'd been offered jobs!

So I went up to my boss yesterday to hand in my notice and she said "Before accepting this, do you mind waiting until tommorow morning?", of course I said "Sure, no problem".
I come in this morning, she gets me into the directors office, I get the normal spiel about how I'm valued by the company etc, and then he says.

"We'll match the £28k, and put a £3k bonus on top of it."

Which with much glee I accepted!

It's great when something good gets even better unexpectedly!
spike's said:
only problem with doing that is if people in the office know you wanted to leave. but where offered more money they will think ** only in it for the money.
Nah, only me and the bosses know, infact, that was a condition of the offer :p
jonno.co.uk said:
i know a few people who have been very successful career wise in the IT industry and haven't done any more than GCSE/A-Levels.
Incidently I never did GCSEs or A levels ;)
Zip said:
Im 17 at the moment :D
Could you please tell me what MCSE, MCDBA, MCSA and Sec+ Certified mean and how you get them?
Im from Australia and they probably have a different name.
Yes you have me excited knowing i could get paid that much in just a few years :p
MCSE = Microsoft Certified System Engineer
MCDBA = Microsoft Certified Database Administrator
MCSA = Microsoft Certified System Administrator
Comptia Sec+ = Security orientated network certification.

They're universal throughout the globe, just need the books and the exams, which you should be able to take locally!
Zip said:
Did you finish school? You dont have GCSEs or A levels so im guessing you got the MCSE MCDBA MCSA Comptia Sec+ by doing a course out side of school?
They were paid for by the company.
I only went to school for Year 9 ;)
Zip said:
You sir have been my saviour and made my day :D
I left in yr 11 so ive done more school then you :p
What type of compony is it? Is it hard to get jobs with them?
Bloody Analyser company, it's only hard to get jobs with them because the IT dept consists of 3 people :p

And you've done significantly more official school than me as I didn't even do the years previous to year 9.
brocksta said:
19 and on 28k, wow nice one mate. Just the sort of job i want to do once i finish my networking degree + ccna.

Did you have a lot of experience when you first got the job?
Only what I'd done in my own time really, I just showed dedication, a good work ethic and an interest in the job and the employers were open minded enough to give me the job!
I did have quite a large skillset from my passionate interest in computers :p
Nathan said:
Awesome money for age :D

I came across a 20 year old plumber at the weekend (brother bought car off him)

Plumber by week day + Car valeting at weekends.

In exess of 60k a year and an Audi S3 :(
Lol jesus, still, I never expected to be the self made man earning the most at 19, there's always some jammy git doing better ;)
LordSplodge said:
The problem is now your boss knows your are looking elsewhere and will probably be expecting you to go for another job once the inital happiness of them giving you more money wears off.

If I was your boss you would have had the following good luck message:

"Hope the new job goes well!"

IT People unless very specialised are easy to replace.

As it is though, well done and put some away for a rainy day...seriously! :)
I am pretty specialised, and anyway I have a "Gentlemens Agreement" with the Director not to leave for two years :)
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