YES !! months after searching I found it.

13 Nov 2006
Ever hear a song you catch a clip of in a club /radio /pub and you couldn't quite catch the lyrics, but you can hear it jamming in your head all the time. I have been searching for a tune for months and going through a new classic cd I found it :)

Chicane - saltwater. Turns out I had it in the first place lol.
happened to me with a song called the riddle. I heard in In germany years ago when I was on an exchange and then found it last year. Only took me 3-4 years to find it.
I've been waiting about 2 years to hear a certain song again, no luck yet :(

I can only remember about 5 seconds of the song, but if I heard it again I would know instantly. Don't know the lyrics :rolleyes:
johnnyfive said:
Ever hear a song you catch a clip of in a club /radio /pub and you couldn't quite catch the lyrics, but you can hear it jamming in your head all the time. I have been searching for a tune for months and going through a new classic cd I found it :)

Chicane - saltwater. Turns out I had it in the first place lol.

great song to get stuck in your head. the crap ones tend to get stuck in mine :p
There's one song I've wanted to know since I was about 13. It is used in Coca Cola adverts during the World Cup.

It goes like (say it really, really fast)

Chuka Chuka Chuka Chuka
Ching Ching
Chuka Chuka Chuka Chuka
Ching Ching
I was searching for a song since 1997. I'd hear it every now and again in shops and on the radio and would wonder what it was. I even looked through the top 40 charts around that time to no avail. Earlier this year I found it on a compilation album and shed a tear! The song was Disco's Revenge by Ed Gusto.
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