Yet another no display on start up thread

12 May 2005
New build, Opteron 146 on ASRock 939 dual SATA board, in Antec Sonata Case including Antec 450W PSU.

Fitted untested Matrox Parhelia AGP card: all fans spin and case LEDs illuminate when power button pressed, but no display. Tried known good GeForce Ti200 AGP card: same again.

One strange feature is that holding in the power button for 10 seconds or more doesn't shut down the power, I have to use the rear panel master switch. I am unsure about the undocumented colour coded polarity of the various LED and switch cables, but the power switch must be ok or the thing wouldn't have started, would it?

I would have tried a PCIe card, but the Antec 6 pin PCIe connector doesn't want to go into the Overclockers X800 XT socket - anyone else had that trouble?

Have you tried clearing the cmos?
Is the internal speaker plugged in and are you getting any beeps?
Is the 4 pin power cable plugged into the mobo?

If these don't work try it with only the minimum components needed - cpu, ram and graphics card.
If that doesn't work try it with the motherboard outside the case.
Thanks Lee87, speaker plugged in, but no beeps.

4 pin cable is correctly inserted.

Haven't yet tried CMOS clearing because it is a pig to get at :)

Having seen a few other messages about problems with Antec Sonata PSU's and this board I might try swopping over to the Enermax PSU currently in my other machine.

I should have tested outside the case. Grrrr.

Lee87, I see you posted a while back that you were considering going the Antec route with this motherboard. I don't think you got an answer to the compatibility question.

Did you try it?
I got the Asrock 939 dual motherboard and i'm using it now with my old Antec Smartpower 400W psu. Haven't had any problems with it.
I think there was only compatbility issues with the antec truepower psu's.
1st thing i would do i remove all cables and componants apart from the cpu, memory, graphics card and PSU and see if it powers up, if not then reseat everything including the cpu as i have seen faults with processors doing this exact thing esspecially with the lack of error beeps, Also have you go all power supply cables plugged into mainboard (most new motherboards have extra sockets for added power supply plugs (i.e the 4 pin one).
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