Yet another - recommend me movies - Martial Arts/Fighting

12 May 2005
Pretty much the title.

I have seen stuff like:

The one, Rush Hour, Bruce Lee's stuff, Crouching Tiger, and so on.

Is there any other really good modern day Martial Arts movies? (or older really cool ones) like the Warrior King, or Ong Bak, or Jet Li's Unleash?
Most things with Jet Li and Jackie Chan are good (apart from the really obviously cheesy ones... e.g. The Tuxedo). I always liked Rush Hour though, possibly my favorite of this genre.

Edit: I watched Hero last night and it was good, I'm just not a great fan of the whole "I can fly" thing.
The good news is there are hundreds of films out there, the bad news is I'm only going to list a few :p :

Project A, one of Jackie Chans best films. Sammo Hung also on top form.
Burning Paradise, something to do with an evil cult in a temple I think
2002, like Ghostbusters with wirework
Stormriders, a blend of martial arts and supernatural powers
Mr Vampire, very surreal comedy horror, but utterly brilliant
Here's a few alternatives you might wanna look at..

Versus - crazy zombie, horror, fighting/shooting action
Death Trance - weird fantasy with lots of fighting
Casshern - feels like a long drama, CG-glossed with some cool fighting bits in between

People generally like Jackie Chan's older stuff but I thought The Myth was alright from the newest stuff.
I have a real soft spot for the following.

Mission of Justice:
Some fantastic weapons work with sticks during the "run the Gauntlet" scene. Oh, and Bridgitte Nielsen for comedy effect.

The Perfect Weapon:
A cliched film but some excellent martial arts from Jeff Speakman. The kata at the start is nice but he really seems to have something against his sofa.

Rapid Fire:
A brilliant film with some nice acting and moves from Brandon Lee. IMO its a tragedy that he was killed before he really got to display his talents.

electric ant said:
Hero (2002) is a good film also stars Jet Li. Fearless (2206) is also another good one, Jet Li again.

I thought one of the fights in Fearless was the best martial arts fight I've ever seen (one in the house which they smash up due to their massive scrap)
Haha Kung Fu Hustled rocked! It's so funny and the fights are a bit over the top but its comedy so its ok :)
Shaolin Soccer is also good, starring nearly the same cast, and Stephen Chow is hilarious!
Oh my god im a kung fu master :D
Right seriously the best kung fu films are
1.The victim Samo hung awesome
2.Magnificent Butcher Samo again.
3.Black Mask jet li
4.enter the dragon brucie
5.iron monkey
6.Shogun assassin
If you havent seen these you cant be classed as a true blackbelt in kung fu filmery :p
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