Yet Another Site Critique

2 Nov 2004
London, UK
Having been housebound the last couple of days, I decided to give my site a re-vamp. I decided I wanted to get away from the fixed width design and try my hand at a nice looking fluid one. Lots of inspiration was gained from looking at the general CSS Galleries etc, though I hope I have put my own touch into it. I've also used nicer looking URL's, rather than having the ugly:

they read:

As far as I'm aware its fine in all browsers, but if you find anything, please let me know.

Actually, as I think about it, there is one flaw in IE, where it adds about 3 extra pixels below the top div, havent quite worked out why it's doing that, but I'm sticking at it.

Comments and criticism always welcome :)
Welcome to SimpleStuff. We aim to create standards compliant web sites that are simple and stylish. Our designs try to incorporate user-friendly navigation as well as being accessible to as many people as possible.
I'd fix these errors in the main bit of bunf in the red area. There are a few other spelling mistakes dotted around as well. It's a good idea to check your copy before making it live.

As for the design I like it, it works well and isn't too cluttered. However, none of your pages XHTML validate, this is really something you should be aiming to achieve.

Other than that, it all seems good to me. :)
Thanks for pointing thouse out, its always embarrassing when you miss spelling mistakes :o My feeble excuse is I've been staring at the same text for a few hours :p

I think I've fixed the validation errors, I became complacent half way through and stopped validating after each update.

Thanks again :)


Contact form is full of errors, back to the drawing board.
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like it a lot, one thing i'm not sure of is the menu on the right, for some reason it just doesn't seem to fit in with the design, almost as if it's just been stuck in there.

Could be the fact it's enclosed in a box, but it might be worth having a play with a number of designs see how it looks.
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