Yet more Broadband problems (Advice needed)

19 Apr 2006

Recently i seem to have had a drop in speed with my internet connection.

The first problem is that i am with AOL (May have to change that soon)...

Im on a Platinum deal where i should be getting an 8mb connection, which has now dropped to 4mb about 2 weeks ago.
I have called AOL for support on this and i seem to be getting no where, they have told me that the problem is that i am connecting my Router through a extension cable to the master phone socket.

This is where i really need some advice:

The houses master socket is located downstairs at the back of the house, the computer room is basically above this room. If i was to plug the router into the master socket downstairs and put wireless on my pc i would get a very poor signal. So i decided to route a telephone extension cable from the master socket up to this room (20 - 30 metres i would guess), and have the router sitting on my desk beside me. Now AOL have told me that this is a BIG NO NO (AOL's technical term) and said i cant do this, and this is the reason that my internet is slow (It doesnt matter that its been working fine for the last 4 years, they will not accept this). They have also told me that i cannot have my Sky box plugged into the master socket either as this will cause interference.

Can anyone out there confirm any of this for me, as i cannot get my head round any of it as its been working fine for probably 4 years.

If i do have to change this set up i really dont know how to get round this. I could route some ethernet cables up to this room from downstairs (its possible), but its just where to plug the sky box into. If im not allowed to plug it into the extension that goes to the master, there is no where else to put it! If i unlplug the box sky usually threaten to start making us pay more money as they cant detect it.

Help is very much appreciated.

Starting to run out of ideas and getting a bit annoyed at this situation with AOL.
What they're saying is right - it wouldn't exactly be unheard of for a cable to break after 4 years of use and Sky boxes are known to cause problems, even if they're filtered...

What they probably should have said was that you should try with the router connected directly to the master socket (with no phones, filters, other stuff), and see if the SNR margin/sync rate increases - if it does, you can start adding things till it breaks.
What they're saying is right - it wouldn't exactly be unheard of for a cable to break after 4 years of use and Sky boxes are known to cause problems, even if they're filtered...

What they probably should have said was that you should try with the router connected directly to the master socket (with no phones, filters, other stuff), and see if the SNR margin/sync rate increases - if it does, you can start adding things till it breaks.

I can understand that broadband is quite high powered and maybe a normal phone line would bottleneck it. Would it be ok to have the router downstairs, however have a 20-30 meter Ethernet cable run up to this room?

Or would that bottleneck it too?

If that was to work i would only have to find a solution for where to plug the sky box into....
It's nothing to do with a bottleneck - if the cable's broken, you'll have a problem with the connection. Ethernet would work fine, as would powerline or anything else.

The point is to try it and see what happens.
Doing it that way is the best way. Ethernet is fine for around 100 metres, sometimes even more, so a 20 to 30 metre run would be fine and wouldn't affect your Internet speed at all.

As for the Sky box, just leave it unplugged for a day or two while testing - Sky won't bother to contact you about that and at least then you'll know if it is affecting your ADSL at all. Personally I've got my Sky box plugged into my master socket but it's double filtered. No idea if it makes any difference or not (likely not) but it's not causing any problems.
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