Yey my posters arrived

23 May 2005
I took advantage of photoboxes 3 for 2 offer on posters to get some A2 prints of my garden finches. The quality has totally blown me away. I've never printed any digital pics bigger than A4 before but now I want A2 prints everytime :D

Just out of interest how big can you go with an 8mp image before it would start to show?
saddler said:
Just out of interest how big can you go with an 8mp image before it would start to show?

I've had some 30"x20" prints from my 8MP camera and they look great, even close up.
fearby said:
A picture of your poster?


My posters:




The pics and others can be seen here:
saddler said:
Just out of interest how big can you go with an 8mp image before it would start to show?

I've got an A2 print of a 3-4MP crop of an 8MP image (albeit upscaled in PS back to 8MP for printing) and you have to be right up close to tell it's a bit pixellated. From any distance that allows you to see the whole image it looks the mutt's nuts.
They look great :)

Does anyone know anywhere that is currently doing good offers on A2/A3 prints? Or is it just a case of going with the current Photobox prices?

[edit] What's the best way to scale up a ~3.5MP image?
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They look very nice. You should put them in them glass frames, if you can get a2 size that is, would protect them and stop the light reflecting off where they bend

Mark A said:
They look very nice. You should put them in them glass frames, if you can get a2 size that is, would protect them and stop the light reflecting off where they bend


To be honest I would advise against glass unless it's non reflective otherwise you end up being unable to see the print in certain lights. I've framed all mine without glass, either mounted and framed or just trimmed to the size of the frame. Going with the matt option cuts down the reflections significantly.
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