Yongnuo YN468 II

1 Mar 2007
Had this flash for a month or so, and still learning it all. I normally stick my 40d in P when I use the flash but quite often it doesn't fire. The batteries are fully charge, and I believe th recycle time is just over a second. Does anyone know why iam having problems?
Mine did the same. It's failing.


Did mine as i didn't have the time to send it back. (needed it in ecuador a week before it failed.)

Did the fix and it's going great :)

Many thanks, do you own the version 2?

It can't be the batteries as Ive got some Sanyo Eneloops 2000mah, which should be more than enough. Brand new aswell :/

My experience with flash is very limited...I have seen a flash menu on the camera itself..which looks to e programmed by the previous owner. Could that be causing problems for me?
Thanks mate, you don't have any you want to get rid of? Anything I need to be aware of, looks straight forward.

Have you got the Mrk II version aswell?
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