You Guys Seen The Weather For Weekend?

Aye, looks smashing!

I have to wait 13 days though to get insured :( Don't get my 2 years no claims till the 21st June but the insurance company I'm going with will allow 2 weeks to hand in the paper work.

Can't wait to get on the road, got my Sv650s all shiny, restricted and ready to go!
I ma delivering my old bike to a guy near Aberystwth tomorrow so will be able to enjoy that welsh sun!... which reminds me.. why am I still awake!!!
I ma delivering my old bike to a guy near Aberystwth tomorrow so will be able to enjoy that welsh sun!... which reminds me.. why am I still awake!!!
Hope the ride & sale goes well, You gonna check out the A44 for us ?

As for the weather it's been mint. :cool:
***** glad I didn't get caught out in it day before yesterday as it was like an End of the World storm that came out of nowhere & dumped a **** load of water down in minutes.
My on road strategy will be to hide under a bridge or in a bus shelter if I ever get caught out in owt like that. :p

It's the End of the World I tells ye. :eek:
Nice here today, infact I'm popping out for a "blast" at around 6:30pm for an hour, got to run a couple of errands so if it stays like this, I'll be out today.

Judging by BBC Weather in Holywell today and tomorrow dry, rain forecast for Sunday... so tomorrow might be able to get out ;-)
What Rain ? :D

I've already been out & cut my Huge hedge cleaned up & then wax & polished the bike. Got a dry day here & tomorrow so many miles will be done. :cool:

You could always check the map & head for a dry area as the rain is pushing away today. ;)
Bloody fair weather riders, get yourselves out! :o

I'm not a fair weather rider, but certainly wouldn't want to do motorway riding in these winds.
One bikers already ended up dead due to wind.

I mean even the inside door panels on the van where flexing in by a large amount yesterday, due to the wind and loads of people being pushed across the dotted lines.
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Bloody fair weather riders, get yourselves out! :o
Too bloody right... nothing worse than going out in none water proofs on a bald rear tyres lol... yeah thank you I'll wait until the sun comes out to play, saying that, it's drying up outside, and just checked weather, could well be out tomorrow for a lot fo the day! Yipppeeee... right time to wax bike again lol
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