you have £450 to buy PS3 stuff what do you get?

31 Dec 2005
ok you have £450 to buy ps3 goodies (including films)

what do you buy?

ps3 deal + gta for about £310 and what else?

headsets expensive?

p.s. is GRAW2 any good?

yeah i might give warhawk a go. Plus GT5P and GRAW2 (played GRAW a little on 360 and liked it)

Think ill get some Bluray Movies :) I should probably save this money...but the temptation is too great to resist....because of all those GTA screenshots :p

Hopefully ill be able to ressurect my account (and thereby get my psn games back)
yep i saw it. Dont want Uncharted or Ratchet and clank ive played em both guys! Dont you remember me? :( completed Uncharted and slagged it off remember me now?

Theres a deal on the high street £310 with gta + another game. (i think)
at the time i needed money in a hurry(got £440 quid for the old 60 gig ps3 2nd hand so not bad deal at all :D)

but i miss my bluray :( and its hometime...away to town i go :D
back :D

got gtaIV pack + COD4 £320 (not sure why i bought cod4 but it always looks fun on xleague tv lol)

also got GT5P £20

and rented 300 on Bluray (no ive never seen it)

going shopping tomorrow for

usb headset
extra controller.

What kind of skulldugery do i need to perform to revive me old ps3 account? (it has tekken 5 dr on it)

load up gta4 first?

ohh and im off work for a week yay. :D
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first impressions

GT5P : Graphics are pretty good albeit a little bit bland. The cars look nice though :D But it certainly looks HIGH DEF.

COD4 : Awesome Graphics! Looks HIGH DEF Only did the first 2 levels on Recruit (coz they said i would suck badly at anything higher as i can barely make the 60 second training time) But its not as bad or as un-intuitive as i thought it would be using the analogue controllers for aiming and moving (legacy southpaw) obviously i still cant shoot for *** but nm. Certainly the best graphics and introduction ive seen in a PS3 game (possibly pc game as well)

GTAIV : PLayed this one last... had sky high expectations unfortunately. The first thing you notice is

a) Does not look HIGH DEF
b) its blurry (and not talking about objects in distance haziness which i like actually)

b 2) Its VERY DARK!! i had to turn up ingame brightness and contrast to near maximum so i could see parts of the screen

c) Its a little bit "chuggy" ie little bit slowdown in it.

d) Inconsistent criminal/stars system. I was mowing down countless peds and was only 1 star threat level.

However i did run over at least 6 police officers at one point and my threat level went up to 6 stars (im sure it was). But they only sent the swat vans after me.

Thats the only bad points (though imo a) is a major one)

What is awesome about the graphics is that the lighting is awesome, the artistic feel is impressive as well. The perspective when you look around is cool as well.

The amount of graphical detail is superb (differring weather conditions and rubbish on the street etc)

car handling is more realistic (it feels anyway) and more dangerous hehe.
Its an improvement over previous GTAS imo.

It does seem to be an updated version of GTA san andreas/gta3
Havent noticed anything different yet but i was only free roaming around town.
im just saying going from gt5p and cod4 to playing gtaiv the resolution wise is lower and so is a little bit disapointing.

edit: hrmm maybe thats just its style as it does have a sort of 'pastels' look.
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