You never think you will ever get old !!!

5 Aug 2013
Eating evening meal I thought I will cut my hair tonight before my shower so when cleaned up got the kit out in kitchen - I do it in kitchen as it's easier to vac up and hate hair in bathroom.
Standing there cutting my hair and thought this hair trimmer is a bit rough tonight - Wasn't till I had nearly finished when I realised I hadn't put the guide on so I now have a skinhead. I did have a mirror but you have to take your glasses off so it was cut by touch - also you have to take hearing aids out as well so couldn't hear wife asking why I had gone skinhead.
I normally cut it to a number 2 so now searching for a bobble hat for tomorrow.

It's odd really that you never think you will get old - I could never accept I would be like my Dad and here I am outlived him by 20 yrs - He went at 60 and if I can last till end of March I will be in the big 80's - I don't feel any different from 10 yrs ago - well perhaps a bit as I think I got hit by the Flu at start of january and it's taken longer to kick it off.
So all things being equal I feel I can last a bit longer - No major medical problems yet except blood pressure which is well under control.

I am a bit bored at the moment -the older you get the less mates and family you have, not that we have much family anyway. There is something to be said for being at head of queue rather than at the end.
Your almost old enough to run for the US presidency
Naa to intelligent.

My hair has always been a mess - The only style I could get it to say was my Ringo style. Hair grows ever which way - When i retired I went to a hairdresser and said give me a no1- best thing I ever did - I do it no2 now because of a few bald patches.

I did a few jobs in Shrewsbury Prison and each time this one bloke shouted out - Hi Ringo and I shouted back "You still here"
Been out today and my baseball cap just fell over my ears. Blimey it was cold.:eek:
I'm just in my 40's and was absolutely fine in my 30's didn't think about age at all.

But turning 40 really affected me, because your basically not young any more, your just not.

I'm not depressed about it, I've got no health issues, I'm not a gym type person but I do lots of walking and I kettle bell most days, so can't complain.

But it really hit me.

I think the thing with turning 40 is your basically half way right, or certainly each year, 41=82, 45=90 etc, and therefore it comes a point in your life for the first time when you realise the road ahead may be shorter than the road behind. It's quite mind blowing.

Assuming you don't get some cancer or something but you have to live assuming you won't.

I didn't think about it in my 40's - I can remember being in my 50's when we had our second house and putting a extension on it - It was a semi with a huge gable wall that was held up with buttresses - I have photo's of myself standing on half of the buttresses with a kango hammer knocking them down - I had underpinned them all way across and builders had built a huge fireplace between buttresses to replace buttresses.
Never did feel old then.
Have to say it's only since the pandemic that age has caught me up as I lost my hobby due to right eye problem and not getting the exercise and just mooning around.
I seem to have gained a bit of enthusiasm this year as a lot of the slabs and paths including roof tiles need cleaning so bought the patio magic to do it. I now have goal in life - I lost it last year. - Also the 5 weekly trips to eye hospital grind you down - 14 injections so far and that is to keep it as it is and not fix it.
At least I can still smile :):):)

I'm 68 going on 88. :p

Don't worry the next ten years will fly by and you will say where the hell have they gone. -I you can do what ever you want to do yesterday.

I have got to go out with the steps and take the locking system off a window to see if I can find a makers name so can buy two for one and half wornout and broken ones.
See you can't just sit around reading Rebus books.
Fortunately there is no wind -Hate wind as it makes my eyes and nose run. another joy.
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