YouP-Pax Creative SoundCard Drivers for Audigy - XFI

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk

Xfi Software Suite




-This is X-Fi 2 application and drivers set modded at work for Windows XP/Vista on X-Fi.
-DTS/Dolby docoders are not available
-Using ALchemy is able to enable EAX
-You can install other drivers instead if you discirle "Windows Drivers" in customized installation.;9761849;/fileinfo.html

Step 1 ) Best way to install the software suite is to uninstall the old creative suite and drivers , uninstall from device manager and add remove programs.

Step 2 ) Then use driver and reboot ( just to make sure run again after reboot ). Copy the driver folder over from \(Youp_Pax-XFI-V4.07);9761734;/fileinfo.html into \(Youp-Pax X-Fi Software Suite XP 2008)\ then run \(Youp-Pax X-Fi Software Suite XP 2008)\Audio\Setup.exe.. Select the audio software to use and the driver. When thats complete Reboot.

Step 3 ) in \(Youp_Pax-XFI-V4.07) run the setup.exe to install the new creative drivers with new control panel and reboot. Done!


If you don't want the software Suite ( why not? :p ) , uninstall the drivers from device manager and run driver cleaner. Reboot system run driver cleaner again Just to make sure. Download the driver;9761734;/fileinfo.html and run the setup.exe in \(Youp_Pax-XFI-V4.07).

I really like these drivers , i HAVE noticed a difference in clarity and no crackling and furthermore the software suite is so nice to use and with the x-fi 2 application its even more enhanced. A HUGE UP YOURS to creative and its awful software team :D
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They are ancient and the debate is " were they really X-FI 2 or simply earlier leak of the Vista X-FI .ISO APP's ".

I would not use the driver that is inc with the APP's now esp if you ever had issues on 4GB of Memory in Vista.

Classic_Leon is in my MSN and has not said anything new for ages now.

Least the X-FI 2 is now offical (I did post it 2-3 times in past with little info I had/was allowed to give).

(Incase you missed it, last week or so ago, the X-FI 2 was certed by MS on an offical MS webpage).
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Well my X-Fi suddenly went **** up today... had it since it first came out and had no problems at all, so I'm quite annoyed that it's just started screaming and crackling at me. Totally removed the drivers, software, etc and I'm downloading this now to try out. IMO it can hardly be any worse, so it's worth a shot. ;)

If not, I'll get a nice shiny new Asus card. :D W00p!

I'll post back with how I get on in about 2hrs time when it's finished downloading.
lol don't work with Vista x64. What a waste of time! Software installs but the drivers won't work. :(

EDIT: Will try one more time!
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