Your car history memory lane.....

18 Oct 2002
I bet a great deal of you guys have had a fair few rides in your time (:d) but which hold holds a special place in your heart and if money was no problem would you have it back forever-keeps?

I've had 4 cars in my driving history, EDIT: Corsa 1.4i GSI - Focus Zetec 1.6i - Citroen C2 VTR - Smart Roadster Brabus.

I miss my Focus 1.6, was a great ride and very comfortable but I have to say my Roadster Brabus will always be the car I most loved even if it had some flaws and was highly unsuitable for me! :p

Run down on your memory lane and tell us your most prised car?


Edit: Now with pictures!

Yes, yes how embarrassing! I was going through a silly phase! (I hope.) :o


My Favourite and most missed, I heart that car.

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Without question my E34.

Loved that car for the grin it put on my face as I peered out the passenger window at the road ahead :D
My original Toyota Supra. My "first car" that I Bought with the intention of doing up and keeping forever.

Didn't really happen. Lack of space and money meant that not much happened with it. I then saw a Turbo one that I wanted instead so sold mine, got screwed by the seller of the I wanted who decided that rather than keeping his word and selling it to me he'd stick it on ebay, so I was left with nothing because I got greedy.

By no means a great car, but I loved it loads. Never had an attachment like that to a car. Don't think I ever will again :(

It was "fixed up" after badly by the guy I sold it to. He then sold it to someone at top price, only for the Head Gasket to blow on the way home. I was offered it again FOC, but the current owner disappeared off of the face of the earth before I could sort anything out. I assume the metal is now in a Chinese tank :(

Given the chance I'd buy it back tomorrow, sort out a lock up and proceed to strip it to nothing and gradually undertake a full nut and bolt rebuild.

It's stupid, even thinking about it brings a tear to my eye. A tear over a £190 car made before I was born! That's sad :o.
Ford Sierra LX, then a Ford Escort that was scrapped before I even got a chance to drive it, then a Ford Fiesta 1.3, then a Ford Mondeo Zetec, and now a Clio 172.

Only the Clio is actually any good. I love it, but the Mondeo and the Fiesta have a bit of love from me. The Fiesta because it did 36,000 miles in 18 months and only needed a couple of tyres, and the Mondeo because it was the best £700 I ever spent. Comfy, reliable, heated screen.

Everything I have ever owned has ended up in the scrappy though, so I expect the Clio is giving me nervous looks. lol. The Mondeo is the one I would have back though. Just as 'a car', it did everything perfectly.
306 DTurbo. Steering was fantastic, should have spend some money fixing it up rather than selling it on.

In the 10+ years since I traded it in I suspect it's been crashed into a lamppost by some chav who screw-modded it for uber torks.

I'd quite like another go in my first car (Nova!) , just to see how it compares to something more ... modern.
My little red 1.6 Corsa Sport. Yes, really :) Fun, cheap, nippy, drove well, epic reliable.. awesome little car I thought lol.

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My first car, an eg8 1.5 vti civic

was an import and was amazing

very fast and looked super, been nearly 3 years since i sold it, still remember it:(
My Corrado VR6, it had a misfire every 5 minutes like they generally do, but when it worked it was awesome.

I'd love a mint R32 engined one though :cool:
My first car a 1968 vw beetle 1200 didn't like the rain or generally damp weather for that matter and it had zero creature comforts but it was awesome
This a hamann HM12 body conversion done by Autovogue of Staffordshire, it was bloody expensive to lol, still was cheaper than an original at £80,000. Just cause it was different, had a Original Skyline R33 V-Spec after but still liked the Bmw better.




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My first car, when I was 20:-



Broke it and built this out of it:-


In order of owner ship.

1987 Sierra Sapphire 2.0i Ghia broken in 2006 and built a Westfield out of it.
1987 Sierra Sapphire Cosworth - broke for parts after driving for 2 months - it wasn't a very good one by all accounts!
1985 Sierra Cosworth (jelly mould) - sold 1 month later for £2k profit - an offer I couldn't refuse.
1995 BMW 535i - written off by a lorry pulling out of a side road.
1995 Escort Cosworth - drove for 6 months, sold to my uncle. Nice car - everything I though a Escort Cosworth would be. Pretty hard living with the attention it attracted though - felt nervous every time I left it in the car park to go watch a movie.
2002 Focus RS - owned for a month, sold for 1K profit.
1995 Mondeo 1.8 smoker - bought for £50, sold for £200 to get me around whilst looking for another car).
1997 Scorpio Ultima Cosworth - sold when I found the Y reg Scorpio.
2008 Westfield
1998 (but on a 2001 Y reg) Scorpio Ultima Cosworth
2001 Lexus LS400

I still have the Scorpio, Lexus and the Westfield.

Best car? Well, the Westfield is the most fun, the Lexus the most comfortable for motorway road trips - a much better car than the BMW - but overall, I've liked the Scorpio the most - can't see me ever getting rid of it unless it dies but I'd put some serious money into it to keep it road worthy - it is that good. I'd like another jely mould Cosworth to attend some classic car shows but I know if I ever get the money together for another one I'd probably but a MK1 Escort instead!

Worst car? Subjectively it has to be the Focus RS - just not deserving of the RS badge at all imo and not a patch on the Escort RS it replaced. If theyd have called it an ST then it would have been better all round.
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Well, My car history is not huge (only 22). But i would definately have back my first car! Just because of the sheer amount of character it had.


1st Car - M Reg 1.1 Metro Si in Red/Faded Red
2nd Card - Ford Fiesta Mk5 Finesse 'X' Reg in red
3rd Card - Company Car 1.6 Focus Estate (bleh, but written off driving into a lamp-post during 'that' winter)
4th Car - Company Car Honda Accord Hybrid (startship enterprise anyone?)
5th Car - Company Car Audi A4 (had it for 2 days before i had it replaced with...)
6th Car - Company Car Ford Focus Estate, Zetec Spec, in Black All the toys, wasnt too shabby, comfortable, but an estate all the same.
~~ Left company ~~
Current Car - Ford Fiesta Zetec-s MK7 - '59 Plate in... yep you guessed it Red

Not sure why ive had a red car history, but think especially on the new fez you get all of the lines and it looks rather pleasing :).

The metro I would have back in a flash, nothing worked, was hard to drive, but it had a lot of character, wouldnt go up hills in wales unless in 2nd gear, went on a lot of road trips in that car and it never let me down, needed a bit of welding done at MOT and was a great starter car. Being 6"2 I always used to struggle getting in and out, and had leather seat covers!! haha!!

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I miss my e36 325i the most. It was my first BMW and my first RWD car, only bought to tide me over whilst I shoved a replacement engine in my Leon Cupra R. I fell in love with the handling and the engine (both the power delivery of a larger capacity engine, and the noise of the straight-6). When I got it it needed a fair bit doing to it, including a re-weld of the body and a new rear subframe, all because of the common fault of the 6-cylinders twisting the rear subframe off the car and tearing the body in the process!

I replaced everything that needed replacing, cleaned it up as best I could both inside and out, and got around to replacing the rather questionable wheels that it came with, using genuine M3 wheels (cost++). It was also rather special in that it was such high spec for it's age (being a 1992 J plate), complete with dual-zone climate, 18-button OBC, full beige leather, genuine sport bodykit, sunroof (rare to find sunroof AND climate), and other odds and ends that made it slightly better spec than any other I've seen since.

I then had to move it on when the 330d arrived as I simply didn't have the space for (nor the money to run) 3 cars. The new owner proceeded to stack it within a month, slowly let it get ruined both inside and outside, eventually it ending up in complete disarray. It went from utterly superb to completely ruined in about two months, very sad to see it happen in real time :(

Here's to you e36 325i!


This a hamann HM12 body conversion done by Autovogue of Staffordshire, it was bloody expensive to lol, still was cheaper than an original at £80,000. Just cause it was different, had a Original Skyline R33 V-Spec after but still liked the Bmw better.

Whilst obviously I dont blame you for liking the BMW most - the E39 5 Series is of course the best car ever made - it really shocks and saddens me that the first car I've seen today is that. You've absolutely destroyed the poor thing. As if the bodykit isn't horrible enough what is going on with those exhuasts and those terrible back lights?

What did that poor car to about being abused in the way an 18 year old would abuse a Saxo?
I miss my navara now and again but then I think of the diesel noise and immediately stop. I like my E61 so much more than anythig elese I've had so not an issue.

However, on topic a friend's wife grew up with a mustang her car had imported from the US as first owner in the late 60s. The dad sold it quite a while ago and the whole family missed it. My mate tracked down the actual car, bought it, totally refurbed and gave it back to them! What a legend.
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