Your clubs ticketing arrangements

Man of Honour
17 Feb 2003
As per title, Season Tickets aside, what's your clubs ticketing arrangements like? Good or bad?

For Spurs, you have to be a bronze or Lilly white to have any chance.

Bronze members get one day before sale to Lilly whites but guarantees you nothing.

For away matches, you are on a Loyalty scheme which is a good idea but the points are carried over season to seaon, so the ceiling is always out of your reach. I've been trying to gt away tickets all season.

I've been a bronze member for 4 years and it's getting harder and harder. You have to be on the members sale button spot on the sale time to have any chance.

In contrast, I remember just sending off a voucher in my members book for the 1987 cup final. £8 no problems.
Weird yesterday. Tickets for a game went on sale on line at 9:30 After joining a queue, I got in at 9:32. All areas of the stadium were red, meaning that areas have sold out. I was livid. However, I tried again last night and the areas had gone from red to orange meaning there single seats were available so get one. Wonders why they were all red 2 minutes after the on-sale time earlier??
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