Your country needs YOU!

17 Jan 2016
Valley of Jade

The story doing the rounds today is if the UK is involved in a future war the public might be required to join the armed forces.

What are peoples views on it?

I think in the event Russia attacked other European countries then I'd do my part, as it's a rerun of the start of WW2 when Hitler took over Czechslovakia, and then attacked Poland. We'd be in the firing line anyway.

I think this is a signal that we should be having a national service like they do in Nordic countries.
I don't think the UK has an opponent capable of invading our Island or any of our nearby neighbours. Russia is currently bogged down fighting Ukraine, a country 1/3 the size of them. It's inconceivable they'd attempt to take on the rest of Europe backed up by the US; a conventional war wouldn't last more than a month. The only way we'd need to call up conscripts and reserves would be if China and North Korea joined on the side of the Russians, but China is very inward focused and doesn't have these grand ambitions of an Empire, and North Korea mobilising an expeditionary force to fight alongside Russia seems like fantasy.
Apparently the supposed secret document Germany discovered involved Russia calling up 200,000 troops and sending them to Belarus in February.

So we'll be able to see if that happens or not.
Possibly they want to try taking Kyiv again then, but if the Germans have a secret document (lol) then it's no longer a secret and Russia's plans will have likely been changed as a result.

Just in case anyone was thinking I was making the document up this is a news article that mentions it. Though the leak is that it was made public, not that it was leaked from Russia to Germany.
If Russia attacks Sweden, Norway or Finland we signed a defence pact to defend them.

If they were attacked and we got involved I can see Putin launching a missile at us. He's already committed acts of death a few times on British soil and we've never replied back.
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I think some folks have a fixed out of date version of national service, maybe they are right in the sense that is what the establishment think too.

But I have known 2 Nordic women who both did conscription in their countries.

One was a Swedish woman who became an army medic and participated as a medic during the Bosnian war. After her service she became a paramedic.

The other was from Finland. It isn't compulsory for women but she did it anyway. She became an aircraft engineer, working on Finnish military planes. After her service she became a commercial aircraft engineer and works for the airplane company Finnair.

I don't see why we can't have a similar thing here. It would also give people who are less academicly inclined to have a pathway in to highly rated jobs based on experience.

I don't think in the Nordic countries it is seen as being political. It is just seen as protecting your country and doing your part for the community.
If war was declared on the UK, why are people deciding that they wouldn't "fight for Politicians"? How would you be fighting for a Politician or a business?
Exactly if the war came to the UK the ones not in the armed forces would be shot first.

Also people talking about gammons, Russia is a "gammon" country. Anyone left wing would be in immediate danger. They hate them. That is part of the rhetoric of Putin.
We're doomed, we're all doooomed! :D

I think we'd easily beat Russia. But we would need to invade. All big countries are susceptible to being invaded.
Good luck with that,
Germany were only stopped by the cold weather, and Japan were running riot inside China. In more recent times Iraq.

Big countries can't react quick enough. The Wagner group could have taken over Russia if their leader continued forward.
I doubt Russia would nuke us or France as that would set off a nuclear war.

Russia have talked of detonating a small nuclear bomb. I suspect they would do that in non-nuclear countries then the ball would be in our court to start a nuclear war.

I think we'd get hit with conventional missiles/bombs.
I'd like to add that the best way out of this situation for us, EU and NATO to take over the Ukraine government, and negotiate with Putin, even if it means creating another west/east border situation like what happened post WW2 with Germany.
Ukraine isn't like any other country. It's only in recent history, post WW2, that it's been recognised as it is today. It was that promise by the Nazis that had Ukrainians fighting for them against USSR during the war.

Western Ukraine is part of the old territory of Galicia. They are ethnically European.

The people in the East are ethnically Russia/Slavs.

There will never be peace in Ukraine as it is now, unless we either come to an agreement with Putin, or the country is split, like Germany.

I wouldn't say we abandoned East Germany in WW2. It was just part of the process as this would be.
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