Your favourite "classic" film

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
I've decided to broaden my horizons and start watching some of the old classics. Can anyone recommend any really good ones?

I'm starting with:
Clockwork Orange
Easy Rider
The Graduate

Tommy B said:
I've decided to broaden my horizons and start watching some of the old classics. Can anyone recommend any really good ones?

I'm starting with:
Clockwork Orange
Easy Rider
The Graduate


here are some more

The Day the Earth stood still
The Sting
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Whats up Doc
Fantastic Voyage

and the one, the only ...

Forbidden Planet
Just for the purposes of this post, I'm going to read "classic" as anything made before the year of my birth :) 1976 btw. Anyway, loads more, but the ones that spring to mind immediately are;

King Kong
It's a Wonderful Life
The Searchers
Rear Window
The Night of the Hunter
Cheers everyone.

I've opened a Lovefilm account and added the best 10 of that lot according to IMDB ratings.

Hopefully they'll send 'em out shortly, although I can only have 3 at once.

Wiggins said:

"I feel the need, the need for speeeeeeeeeeeeeed" :p

Seen that. I had the Hi-Fi on so loud the neighbours actually rang me up to complain about the noise :p

The sound is just awesome, and the music for that matter.
Tommy B said:
Seen that. I had the Hi-Fi on so loud the neighbours actually rang me up to complain about the noise :p

The sound is just awesome, and the music for that matter.

Damn right it was :D

I used to know all the words to the entire film script.

I even wanted the Aviation Jacket and Aviator Glasses but my mum wouldnt buy them :(

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