Your favourite text editor for webdev?

27 Mar 2012
Hi all,

I'm currently still using Notepad++, and wondering if there's any good alternative?

I briefly tried Atom, and I found it very pretty but the usability didn't seem great to me.

I currently work in only JS, HTML, SQL, and CSS.

What do you use day to day?

So what addons do you guys recommend? I had a quick browse but couldn't see anything interesting. The themes also seem to be more geared towards aesthetics rather than usability.
Gave Atom another go last night.

It's pretty nice, but I kind of wish there's a icon toolbar at the top. Having to do Ctrl-S or Ctrl-/ etc is a bit difficult with one hand... A lot of my night time programming involves rocking the baby to sleep with my left arm :(

Trying Visual Studio Code next!
Been using VS Code based on you lot's recommendation, and so far I'm liking it more than Atom :)

Was originally reluctant because, well, Microsoft, but I'm pleasantly surprised!
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