Your Garage Setup?

28 Jun 2007
Tamworth, UK
Thought this might be not only a nice idea for a thread, but also a possible pointer for improvement.

I'm lucky in that I've got good overhead storage both ends of the garage, the biggest problem is the huge fridge freezer on one side.

All tools are kept under the work bench (an old kitchen table) and I have an old wardrobe for bike gear.

I've used shelving to try and keep the floor space as clear as possible.







Show us yours :)
My garage is made up of my GSX-R shoved in the corner as much as possible, with my mum taking up the rest of the space with garden furniture and the like :p. As you can tell, it's not my garage haha.
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The state of my garage leaves a bit to be i'm going to promise you all and the other half to get it cleaned up at some point this year ;)
Anyway, the junk still leaves enough room for "Samantha" :D

Awesome bike kitfit.

Always wanted a blue nimrox. You should move that red thing out the way so we can get a better look :p

Damn you, I was just about to post something near identical to that, then I scrolled further down, and saw your post! haha.
Awesome bike kitfit.

Always wanted a blue nimrox. You should move that red thing out the way so we can get a better look :p

Yep, i can fully understand your yearning. There's a national shortage of Blue Nimrox's at the moment, so there is a high premium for them on the second hand market............the other halfs one though is a fake............failed to spot it before purchase :D
Can't move that "red thing"'s complaining about the cold ;)
I need a cover for my bike, how would you rate the rainex?

Nice thick cover on the top, keeps the rain out however medium didn't fit my bandit 650s, so had to get a large which just does the length of the bike. Doesn't cover the bike to the floor so the wheel at the front is exposed half way up.

Also the inner soft liner is coming away and thats after only a few months.
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