Your Halloween month horror games.

27 Feb 2009
Its the spooky month! I love October, my Mrs normally chooses a theme and decorates the front room (my games room!). Last year it was crazy/blood soaked clowns, this year, who knows!

Anyway, what are your planned - if any - horror games to be played.

I have:
  • Penumbra Black Plauge
  • Perception
  • Amnesia (obviously)
  • Song of Horror
  • Outlast
On the PS4
  • Soma
  • Aliens
  • Until Dawn
  • Medievil (not horror but a damn fine Halloween game)
Erm, that's it. If you have any recommendations, please let leave suggestions here.

Left 4 Dead 2 just had a significant update for the first time in years, includes an official new map and other upgrades.

Tried it out for the first time in years last week, it's still got it, many players returned and got a game on the new map almost instantly.

Also have Vampyr and Call of Cthulhu from recent Humble Bundle monthly to play, might try them around Halloween.
I might replay Alien Isolation.

I've been eyeing up modded Thief 3 and VTM: Bloodlines runs too, love both games and I still think The Cradle is one of the best 'horror' levels I've ever played.
Phasmophobia an early access game seems to be blowing up on twitch 4 player coop game looks quite fun, for a multiplayer horror experience.
I am waiting for Visage and Infliction to be completed which apparently both should be this month.

Have The Beast Inside too which I am going to play soon.
Amnesia - going to give it another go, I enjoyed but chickened out last time, its stressful :o
Left for Dead (this has been on the list for a while, but the new map and patch sounds great so spurred me on).

Really need to make some inroads into GOG backlog!

Killing Time, love the quirkiness and never, ever, tried Phantasmagoria which has to be a bucket list game for the FMV!
Tried Neverending Nightmares on GOG last year, clever art style but grim. Curious to resume but think there are other backlog games to check first.
The Resident Evil remakes are pretty good. Graphics wise they look superb.

Left for Dead series is very good fun. Not sure if System Shock constitutes traditional horror but it can be very chilling at times. Remakes of course. Alien Isolation was very good and scared the bejesus out of me. Horror done right and on game pass as well.

Old school wise I’d say Realms of the Haunting is good.

Evil within 1/resident evil 7 are on my backlog so will complete them sometime this month

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines is a perfect Halloween game if you've never played it
I always play Doom 2016 around Halloween
I completed this yesterday after never finishing it originally 4 years ago. I really want to play Doom Eternal now but it's full price on steam at the moment and I can't bring myself to pay £50 for a PC game! (unless it's something mega special like HL Alyx)
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