Your iPod advice and comments please

28 Oct 2003
I'm getting myself an iPod for my birthday and was after a few views of owners and those in the know.
Looking at the new (5th gen?) 30Gb in black:

I've heared the black one marks/scratches a lot more easily than the white one. Is this true?

What use is the case that comes boxed with it? Useless or useful?

Are the earphones any good, in your opinion?

What are the major differences between the new 30Gb and the previous one?

Thanks in advance folks :)
I've currently got around 3500 tunes and I usually listen to them on random, not much flicking about between tracks here. Plus, the screen will be handy for watching vids etc.

I'm set on an iPod. Was just wondering about the things in my OP, specifically the quality of the supplied case and the differences between the new one and the previous version (though there seems to be only a few quid difference in price so I'm not that bothered).
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