Your Oculus VR space

6 May 2009
At first I had my camera on the standard mount on a speaker on the right hand side of my monitor but when I looked left it would not track properly.

I then moved it under my monitor pointing slightly up, it was too low really (and kept falling over because I used white tack to stick it under my monitor to the base)

I have have this clamp with tripod which while looking a bit cack in the middle of my screen does the job well


Full space


This is also a good idea (selfie stick with tripod) but don't have a stable base in the back centre of my monitor
Thanks, basic but does the job. I searched for that thread but couldnt find it. Mods, please close this and will put stuff in there. Ta
How is the amp with all that monitor weight on it though? I have a 2.1 setup and struggle to know where to put mine lol.

Fine, its a big metal amp!

I'm more concerned about the monitor base covering the amp cooling vents but with the monitor further back most are not covered. The amp weighs a tonne so its not going to break from the weight, hell it can probably take a literal tonne of weight before anything would happen to it
That keyboard!! I'm having flashbacks of my dad's 286 PC from the 80s! What is it Guest2? I need one in my life :D
Packard Bell 5131C that came with my PC back in 1996!

Its this one

Model says 5131c on the back but the key layout is stlightly different to the one in the video above. All keys working perfectly :)

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