Your Portfolio Site

18 Oct 2002
We have the portfolio's section in the sticky, but it's really out of date (a lot of the link don't work anymore!). So how about everyone shows of their portfolio? :)

There's mine, very simple, and all in beautiful greys!
I'd like to change SimpleViewer to something better, but i don't have Flash so Slideshowpro isn't really an option unfortunatly. Does anyone have any ideas as to other Flash basic products that are similar?
For what it's worth here's my mine. My HTML skills are non-exsitant so everything is done using Photoshop's web gallery scritps. It's still very much a work in progress. BTW anyone wearing pointy ears anywhere on my site has nothing to do with me :o :rolleyes: ;)
not really a portfolio either, just a gallery created by Jalbum here

Trying to put a proper site together at the moment but finding it difficult to integrate albums into the main site and still have it look right. Suppose it would help if I knew any HTML
lots of good sites there. Are you guys using are they off the shelf designs or have you all coded them form scatch. The reason i ask is that i was think of setting up a site but have no HTML or other programing skills. so i'm hopping to use a template/ package to layout the site for me.
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