Your thoughts please...

Ok bud.

Just had a look over that thread.

Are you using fixed Vcore or Offset for your clocking??? DO you notice Vcore fluctuation at all?? What is your IMC volts and VTT also please. The 124 error is usually VTT / VCORE /IMC volts.
Ok bud.

Just had a look over that thread.

Are you using fixed Vcore or Offset for your clocking??? DO you notice Vcore fluctuation at all?? What is your IMC volts and VTT also please. The 124 error is usually VTT / VCORE /IMC volts.

Thanks for the reply.

The set-up is at BIOS defaults; so Vcore is 'Auto'.

I ran OCCT:CPU to have a look at the Vcore and this is what it showed:

Not sure if that is normal or not...?

IMC voltage default @ 0.925v

CPU VTT is default @ 1.050v

DRAM Voltage is what I believe is the issue. It's currently @ 1.512v running my memory at 1333Mhz. As soon as I try running it at 1600Mhz via the XMP Profile, which sets the voltage to 1.65v, the system crashes randomly and after about 5-10 seconds of a Prime95 Blend test. However the system has also BSOD's a few times whilst running @ 1.5v 1333Mhz - basically everything as default within the BIOS! I really want to OC this, but makes sense to get it all stable @ stock before trying that.

Current BIOS:

I have ordered some 1866Mhz 1.5v Crucial RAM to test, as it might just be a compatibility issue with my current RAM - but be good to explore incase that doesn't fix it.
You need to show me the pics from teh advanced overclocking section mate. This basic stuff cant show me all the RAM timings I wish to see to help. Also set VTT 1.1, IMC 1.05 as these are stock with IVY at 1600mhz up.

The curve your seeing in the graph is typical for Offset Voltages with power saving enabled.

Use a manual voltage for CPU core and set it at 1.2v then we can rule out too low CPU volts issues.
My new RAM has arrived, so will fit that tonight and see if it solves the problem.

I'll post screens of the advanced section too, as I'll probably need some advice on OC'ing (if the new RAM makes the system stable @ stock clocks!).

Out of interest, should the VTT and IMC change when the RAM's XMP profile is enabled?
Just installed my brand new Crucial 1866Mhz RAM, enabled XMP Profile1 to get it to run at advertised speeds. Started a P95 Blend test, 10 seconds in, blue screen WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR.

So this is happening with 3 lots of RAM, 2 of which were MemTest86+ tested for 12hours without issue, and 1 was brand new purchased 2 days ago.

This is so frustrating :( Pics as requested:

CPU Voltage

CPU Frequency

DRAM Voltage

Memory settings 1:

Memory settings 2:

3D Power settings:

Again, BIOS is 'optimized defaults' with the only thing touched being the DRAM Profile to Profile1.

Any ideas mate? :*( :(
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So I went into BIOS and tweaked what you suggested a few posts up:

VCORE: 1.245v Auto to 1.2v Fixed (although CPU-Z shows 1.152v - is that sort of discrepancy normal?)
CPU Vtt: 1.05v to 1.1v
IMC: 0.95v to 1.05v


And I've managed 15mins of Prime95 Blend Test so far without issue!! Will run for another couple of hours to confirm...any reasons why this shouldn't all be working out of the box though? Bit worrying!

And thanks for the help so far 8 Pack, really, really, really appreciate it!

EDIT: 1 hour P95 Blend test stable so far...
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Yes its a simple reason its not working. Stock IMC volts are too low. I suggested this in post 2 of this thread and when you posted the settings you confirmed exactly this.

Stock IMC volts on Ivy are 1.05v.

I have raised this with Gigabyte directly as I have now noticed it on a couple of occasional with the odd one of there boards. Gigabyte are extremely good with supporting me so I am sure will act on this further and assure more compatibility with processors with weaker IMC via a Bios update.
Yes its a simple reason its not working. Stock IMC volts are too low. I suggested this in post 2 of this thread and when you posted the settings you confirmed exactly this.

Stock IMC volts on Ivy are 1.05v.

I have raised this with Gigabyte directly as I have now noticed it on a couple of occasional with the odd one of there boards. Gigabyte are extremely good with supporting me so I am sure will act on this further and assure more compatibility with processors with weaker IMC via a Bios update.

Thanks for your help! Hasn't crashed all evening! :)
Hi again,

I was tinkering around before work this morning and what I did was:

Multipler: 40 - 4.0Ghz
VCORE: Kept at 1.2v Fixed
CPU Vtt: Reverted back to default 1.05v
IMC: Reverted back to default 0.95v

And this went 9 hours on P95 Blend without a BSOD!!! So it doesn't even look like its IMC/VTT voltage that was the issue, just the actual Vcore its self. Isn't that strange?

I tried lowering the Vcore to 1.15v and leaving everything else as-is, but got a IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL BSOD a few minutes into P95 Blend.

No its not surprising. 124 error is usually VTT and possibly Vcore.

I covered both optoins when giving you the settings to test with.

Glade your sorted now.
But is it OK to run a fixed Vcore of 1.2v for 4.0Ghz?

We've ruled out VTT or IMC voltage as the issue..but I'm worried I'm running too high a voltage for a pretty moderate clock speed.

I only meant surprised in the sense, it should run @ stock clocks with stock voltages! I wouldn't have thought I'd need to touch any BIOS settings until I wanted to start OC'ing.

I'm trying:

Multipler: 40 (4.0Ghz)
VCORE: Fixed @ 1.175v
CPU Vtt: 1.05v
IMC: 0.95v

Been going for 10 mins so far, no BSOD :D

1.175v VCORE acceptable to run 24/7?

PS. I'd buy ya a beer if I could! Cheers for the help.
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Oh also, with a fixed voltage my CPU Speed is still ranging from 1600Mhz to 4000Mhz depending on what I'm doing...can I leave that as is? Or is it better to be constantly 4000Mhz @ 1.175v?
I reported teh problems to them. They have given me a Beta bios to try. As soon as I do I will let you know how it goes. All it needs is a slight boost to Vcore and IMC as defaults.
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