Your views and thoughts on the Antec Nine Hundred - Gaming Case?

11 Nov 2006
Ok i now have everything for my new rig other than my case. The Antec Nine Hundred - Gaming Case keeps catching my eye and it sounds good aswell as looks good, but i want to know if anyone has this case and what they think of it!

I've never had a case where the psu is mounted at the bottom, does this mean the mobo is fitted higher inside the case? and will everything still fit inside?

I will be running:

evga 680i
corsair 520w modular psu
arctic cooler pro 7 (this is HUGE)

Obviously i will have the other bog standard stuff but the above are the big things that are going in and i want to know if everything will fit ok

Thanks in advance
Everything there should fit in that case, the case isn't to my taste as it looks like a design of the minute which may go out of fashion, if it were me I would opt for somthing like a lian-li pc7 or similar. They have looks that are so simple they can never go out of fashion.
Im getting one for when i build my computer, know someone with one and dont worry they will fit everything in, well they fit 2 8800's in anyway.
i don't see what the big hype about it is. it may be fine now but in say 2 years time it will look dated...tbh i think it looks like a cheap ass tt amour.
i would go for a tasteful, stylish looking case....have a wee look at the lian li or akasa range
Unless you can't stand the looks, the Akasa Eclipse will do everything the 900 does and surpass it in many areas.
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