Your worst pictures

18 Oct 2002
Wickford - dark and scary
Ok, we're all completely amazing photographers and not a frame or shot is wasted....

Yeah, right!

Share some of your worst photos here and say what went wrong. I'll start (I've got plenty to choose from):


Left the camera on manual exposure. Choice of subject/angle sucks.


Left the lens on manual focus... Oops :o


Eww, choice of subject!
oh god.....i will never show those ! ever !

Althou how do i qualify? I mean sometimes i press ths shutter by accident with my fingers across it, or simply a crap shot....honestly i have a lot of out of focus/handshake ones. Ever since i got digital i just gone snappy crazy.
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ranarama said:
Isn't one of your worst in the perspective competition right now? Don't tell me you have worse :eek:

lol, that one was actually overexposed on purpose. I metered on the bedroom floor and then moved the camera up and took it. And trust me, I have some really really bad ones. Some embarrassing, some just plain funny.
Some of my very early digital shots with my A70.


Look, its a wet flower macro!


Its er a lock? A tad over-exposed and a really dull photo. The lock should be over the left a bit more.


Early days. Wow I can freeze rain droplet things!

Just terrible shots, but they did help me explore my camera. Once I started learning things I could get creative. Still, terrible terrible shots :D
I do what NORMAL people do Richday and I DELETE the crap photos from my hard drive :p


Also I would never post my crap shots in thsi thread... becuase some of those photos you 2 have posted impress me :p :p :p :(
Colin_da_Killer said:
I do what NORMAL people do Richday and I DELETE the crap photos from my hard drive :p

I keep *everything* I'm a photo hoarder :D

If I ever go to re-shoot a photo (which I do sometimes) I'll always check out what I have already and see what I did wrong, that way I hopefully won't make the same mistake again.... Only works sometimes though LOL!
I actually quite like your second shot RichDay ;)

I've got **** loads of bad shots, far more than good ones. I'll dig out some particulalry bad ones tonight ;)
have to say i normally delete mine but if i get any rubbish ones (guaranteed :)) i will post some up, and like ashtray_head said, i am also a learner so bound to produce lots of poor shots
Trying some bad experiences with light many moons ago.
I thought I'd try a product shot.. lol, it turned out rubbish

One of my favorite and most common types of bad shots.

Ive got several types cars chopped in half by the huge metal girders that hold the Lufffield Grandstand roof up at Silverstone. Grrrr.....
Puz said:
Trying some bad experiences with light many moons ago.
I thought I'd try a product shot.. lol, it turned out rubbish[IMG][/QUOTE]

I think we all tried the painting with light thing after that excellent thread by *I've forgotten, sorry*, mine were similarly bad.

As for bad photos every one takes them, the good photographers just don't let other people see them.
This is not my worst photo as with digital I am trigger happy and I get many bad shots I can just delete but this one is pretty damn poor. At Elvington Airshow with a 3megapixel and 3x optical zoom camera taking photographs of aeroplanes and similar just wasn't great; this was probably the dullest and worst photo of the day:


Taken in August 04. :p :D
xolotl said:
I think we all tried the painting with light thing after that excellent thread by *I've forgotten, sorry*, mine were similarly bad.

As for bad photos every one takes them, the good photographers just don't let other people see them.

That would have been cyKey and his mirrored ball thang. I don't mind showing ppl bad photos, we all have a bad day ;)
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