Youth Vandalism

9 Aug 2009
Fairly common in the UK, so shouldn't need explaining - you have a perfectly nice group of residents, but there always seems to be a group of teenagers, from your area or from other areas - battling over territory, anti-social behavior, vandalism etc.

What do you do?

- call the police? do they have the resources? would they respond if they did?
- do something yourself? but what? citizen's arrest? reasonable force?

Anyone had any success in tackling this problem?
Feral youths are an endangered species here, something luckily we don't suffer from.

But at last place, we had a few, but when they installed a bus shelter, the 'feral youths' multiplied over night, most of them came from an estate nearly 5 miles away.:eek:
The only problem we've had is some guys driving up and down trying to get the attention on a girl who lives up the street by piping their horns.

I went out side stopped their car and threatened to rip their heads off and errr poop down their necks unless they went forth and multiplied, im a big guy and they did as I politely asked but thinking back about it it could have go very wrong ..... especially standing in the middle of the road to stop them.

My advice the police.
Get the biggest super soaker that you can find then leave it by the toilet. Then pee into it rather than the toilet. After a couple of weeks it will REALLY reek badly. Then keep the soaker handy in an upstairs bedroom. When you see them, let em have it.. It will make their eyes sting and they will probably vomit over each other.. :D:D:D
Haha! Some yob had bypassed the muffler on his motor a while back, every day he used to stop opposite us at his mates and sit there revving like mad to get his attention, then would get out and go in. Two-three hours later and they would go racing off again.

I had enough of it, so the classic nail-against the tyre was in order. Man were those tyres expensive. Took three out in one go when the twonk raced off.

He was so thick as to not check em, the next day a few homemade caltrops were a blast to use. Still didn't realise 'hed been punctured.

He eventually got wise, then I let his suspicions die down. Lastly was draining the fool's battery and filling the boot with sand. He didnt bother to lock the car...

That muffler magically reappears some day later and all is well on the avenue.
My wife's car was egged 2 nights in succession about a week after we bought it (BMW 5 Series Touring, got it 3 weeks back). Luckily they got the windscreen both times. They did get my neighbour's classic Karmann Beetle, too. Not had issues for a long while up until then and thankfully nothing since.

A long while back there were a few summer evenings where it got a bit rowdy with a large group congregating in our otherwise quiet road, but the police appeared each time and nipped it in the bud before it went anywhere. Defo worth keeping on at the police on the local number.

Nails in tyres though? Seems pretty extreme!
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We have a chav-hive somewhere near our current house, and there are a few drones who insist on bombing up and down the road on mosquito scooters and quad bikes all hours of the night and day. Have been tempted several times to "forget" to put my handbrake on and "accidentally" let my car roll out of the drive just as one of them is shooting past, then pointing and laughing as the life leaks out of his broken and twisted body.

Thankfully we're moving in 2 days, so I'll hopefully no longer feel the urge to live out my twisted fantasies =P
Haha! Some yob had bypassed the muffler on his motor a while back, every day he used to stop opposite us at his mates and sit there revving like mad to get his attention, then would get out and go in. Two-three hours later and they would go racing off again.

I had enough of it, so the classic nail-against the tyre was in order. Man were those tyres expensive. Took three out in one go when the twonk raced off.

He was so thick as to not check em, the next day a few homemade caltrops were a blast to use. Still didn't realise 'hed been punctured.

He eventually got wise, then I let his suspicions die down. Lastly was draining the fool's battery and filling the boot with sand. He didnt bother to lock the car...

That muffler magically reappears some day later and all is well on the avenue.

I had a village chav (lord o'manor) wreck my property, put nails in my car tyres, and she was caught on camera causing damage to the neighbours house.

Not impressed with taking revenge in this manor, just call the police persistently until they do something about it. The only issue here though is that they try mediation first and might even identify you which is ridiculous. (not that I was bothered in this case). I'm not saint, and we did things to ensure she got the message).
You go out & Tag all there art & then put some of your own art up but bigger & better.

Think this post also needs a Yo & a few of those down with the kids hand signals. :D
We have a chav-hive somewhere near our current house, and there are a few drones who insist on bombing up and down the road on mosquito scooters and quad bikes all hours of the night and day. Have been tempted several times to "forget" to put my handbrake on and "accidentally" let my car roll out of the drive just as one of them is shooting past, then pointing and laughing as the life leaks out of his broken and twisted body.

Thankfully we're moving in 2 days, so I'll hopefully no longer feel the urge to live out my twisted fantasies =P

LOL, these are now new words for my personal entertainment
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