Youtube Copyright Strike..

30 Nov 2011
Hi all,

Making/made a quiz for mates while stuck indoors. I used about the 1st minute of this video and dubbed me saying Quizzing when he says wrestling. It is literally 1m 1 sec. I uploaded it to Youtube and linked to the video in GoogleSlides.

It has just been removed due to copyright!!

The video was set to "Unlisted" rather than Public. How has the original got 4.5 Millions views and my clip been took down straight away?

Turning into a right hassle, the audio clips I put on Google Drive are all saying quota reach so had to make them all videos and put on Youtube as well (they all chopped up and distorted)

I have 5 film clips all uploaded as well, taken from clips already on youtube.

What did I do wrong??

The words "let's get ready to rumble" are trademarked hence the strike.


That was my first thought, but how has the original video got 4.5m views? It is not uploaded by a company or anything, just a random account.

Also the video embedded in the slideshow appears to be working still. Even though if I go into Youtube Studio I can not play it haha
Yeah seems very odd. I have deleted the email but do not remember it stating who made the claim, just that it was removed.

Hopefully, the slideshow can still play the video as I just tried it again and it still works haha, just not directly from YouTube Studio.
Just for completion Zoom ended up working perfectly sharing audio and screen. Then used my phone for video/audio as PC has no webcam.

Quiz went down a storm as well haha!

The copyrighted clip still working as well just not from youtube studio for some reason.
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