Youtube Thumbnail Previews

17 Aug 2009
Finchley, London
On my Fire TV Firestick, my youtube previews for some reason aren't playing anymore when I scroll over them. But if I switch to another of my accounts (that I never use) the previews play fine. In Settings/Previews where it says 'Videos will automatically play as you browse', I've always had it set to on. I've reset youtube and signed in again and even pulled the Firestick out from the HDMI socket and reinserted it. The previews still don't play. Very odd. Any ideas?
I've got it back working now. I cleared the cache again and then did a firestick restart. Don't know why it didn't work when I cleared the cache a few days ago. Maybe doing a restart after made it work? Anyway, I'm happy the previews are working again.
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