Youview Boxes

28 Sep 2004
Devon, UK

Looking to purchase a Youview box for my mum for christmas. I've been looking around and read some reviews and was pretty much set to get the Humax DTR-T2000 but came across tonight in a review that the BT youview box is actually faster and quieter.

Has anyone got either of these boxes to confirm how loud/quiet they are? Or possibly had one in the past that could share their experience?

I've found the BT Youview+ box for £149.99 or the Humax for £174.95.

Simplicity in the menus/guide etc and quietness are the major factors in my decision.

I cannot offer advice on if one is better than the other but what I will say is check auction sites and free papers.

Like old sky boxes these get sold on at the end of 12 month contracts.

I bought a DTR 2000 for £10 this week with a 500GB drive and today in my area are 2 more at £15 and £40 on the same site within 5 miles of me.

A fair old saving on "new".
The latest BT box is really good, the older boxes can be frustratingly slow! They are really quiet nothing to worry about.
If she either signs up to, or renews her TV contract with BT, it shouldn't be too hard to 'encourage' then to give her one for 'free' anyway!

I have already had at least two Home Hubs, two BT Vision boxes, and also a You View box from them, once my annual contracts are 'up', and I tell them that I am thinking of moving to Talk-Talk or Sky!
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