Y'Reckon I've got the sack?



20 Oct 2003
Some of you might remember me and the 'happenings' of my overtime and lack of getting paid.


Yesterday, boss came round, went through some work that needed completing today. Last part of 'my work' didn't make sense when examined carefully. Basically it was trying to get information based on several fields when infact the form that was getting the information had one important field missing. It was decided that rather than do extra work and do it wrong, it would be left.

Today, boss comes round, looks at work, EVERYTHING that was written down was done 100%, no mistakes, no "Can you just change...?", "I actually meant...", you get the picture.

Anyway, came to the last part, and boss asked where it was. Informed him that we agreed it couldn't be done because of lack of information. I get told that's NOT what was agreed. Gives me details of what is needed (which I assure you were NOT given yesterday), and I say it'll be done at home and he'll have it by 20:00 without fail.

He then informs me that "it had better!", that he's extremely disappointed and annoyed in me and to consider that as my final warning!

Fine! Take it on the chin, turn round and get on with work.

As he's leaving, reminds me that "it had better be done" for tomorrow morning, "no matter what". I politely say "OK, no probs, I guarantee it'll be done" and ask "is this classed as overtime?"

Bad choice of words!

I'm told that it's not ******* overtime, I've to get it done no matter what. It's my ****-up, my mistake and I should do it no questions asked.

Kinda tookback by this, I simply ask "So I'm not getting paid?", probably not politely, but certainly not intimidating and then hell breaks loose!

I'm told I'm a "******* ****", have an attitude problem and to "**** off"

So I did! :D

What ya reckon then? P45 in the post?
Sirrel Squirrel said:
Why didn't you tell him you couldn't do it at the time rather than just leave it, I'd be pretty p'ed off too.

Because to be honest, I enjoy my work and the amendments to get the project 100% finished would have really took about 1 hour to sort out.

I'd had a rollocking, I'm adult enough (and cocky! :p) to simply say "OK, my bad, you'll have it tonight."

I know what you're saying though, I should have simply said it was my fault and what more can I do, but I'm an idiot who likes to be well though of.
wasc said:
Was there anyone else around to witness that? If he actually swore at you saying you are a ******** e.t.c then this is illegal and you will actually be able to do so much damage to him with all the unfair dismissal laws which are usually biased towards the staff and not the employer.

Yeah, a colleague, but they're best of mates :(
FordPrefect said:
Given that all we have is one side of one conversation I am not judging the OP or his boss.

No I agree with you totally, only my side of the story I'm afraid.

The only 'bad' points that's been in the past is a few week ago I asked to work through my lunch and that I'd 'probably' leave at around 17:00, but I actually left at 16:30.

Got a roasting next day and was told he doesn't like been took for a ride. Other than that, and part from the usual bossie telling offs you generally get ("Hurry up!", "Is that done yet?", "Not like that!"), it's been a normal working relationship.
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