Z-5500 problem

2 Apr 2007
I just bought some Z-5500s, and they're awesome aside from one little niggle that could be a fault, a misplaced setting or my newbiness with 5.1 audio systems.

When I play certain music, the volume seems to fade in and out at some parts, almost as if it's struggling to play it at that level, even though it's not really loud, (as in, the song itself, not the speaker loudness). It's kinda like the sound is rippling, it's hard to describe. Like a wave, it comes and goes very quickly.

Anyone got any ideas?

Hit the "defult" button on the gui console. Had that happen to me a few times.

If not then I dont know :D Does the pod lcd fade aswell? (suggesting power probs?)
the big silver/blue console? start > creative > console launcher

/stolen img link http://www.notebookreview.com/assets/24919.jpg

hit the defult button :)

I don't have that :/

All I have is this:


I'll try the default thingy and see if it works.

EDIT: It looks like it has worked - where do you get that funky looking console though? :P
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aye, it should install from the cd/driver.

Try a re install :) (or on the cretaive website it might be a seperate dl, im not sure)
I also get this occassionally when I have not got the right setting on the actual controller pad for the speakers. For example, when watching a movie I have to have the speakers set to 6 channel direct or DLP Movie/Music, otherwise the sound will fade in and out. Give it a try ;)
use audio creation mode for music, reason being is it turns off all the EQ and other junk that makes music sound like its not mean to. Just like you should set your EQ to off or flat (hence Tone Defeat on hi spec amplifiers) ;)
This is really annoying - I didn't pay £200 to have songs fade in and out at me. I've tried on different Effect settings but different songs act differently.

Really not impressed.
are you using digital output ?

if so turn off soundcheck etc in itunes / foobar.

Where it does volume equalisation to make the volume of all tracks the same. Think this might be a setting somewhere in the soundcard settings.

Or if its already off try with it on..
I tried using the SVM function - and it sorta helped out but there are still songs that seem to "struggle" to play at full volume and so carry on with the supressed/dim music.

And I'm using the Green/Black/Orange to connect to le PC.
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