Is there any major difference in the sound quality (or usabilty) between these two Logitech Z-5500 vs Z-5400 5.1 systems?
Big difference in price right enuff but the Z-5500 looks slick as hell!
Also and this will make you wince, but i need to use my old £10 PCworld sound card as it has the old joystick port on it and i can live with out my MS sidewinder joystick so they crap sound card has to stay. Anyway can you connect the Z-5500 or Z-5400 to the regular outputs on a cheap 5.1 card?
Is there any major difference in the sound quality (or usabilty) between these two Logitech Z-5500 vs Z-5400 5.1 systems?
Big difference in price right enuff but the Z-5500 looks slick as hell!
Also and this will make you wince, but i need to use my old £10 PCworld sound card as it has the old joystick port on it and i can live with out my MS sidewinder joystick so they crap sound card has to stay. Anyway can you connect the Z-5500 or Z-5400 to the regular outputs on a cheap 5.1 card?