z 5500

9 May 2007
hi i thinking of getting the logitech z5500. however due to i have 3 computers in my room and the system has only 1 set of inputs i was going to make the audio run though a av receiver before going into the system. but some one told me that will either distort or just blow up, i was just wondering has any one did it before.
i meant i have 3 sources of 5.1 audio and i need 9 jacks :D

Then its got 2digital, and one on the side i think (cant remember)
^ really?? umm i gotta see more reviews i didnt spot that

the AV receiver i getting takes in server 5.1 audio and then i can choose betwen them which one it out puts

btw is the pre outs when its not been through the amp?
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