Z-Index on IE! Argh!

18 May 2006
Struggling to get z-index to work correctly on IE

works fine on all other browsers and I've done a fair bit o' reading but there are quite a lot of people who say "try this it might work.." "try this" so I'm getting a bit confused what will work for my situation.

I have a DIV within the DIV is a table - within 3 TD values there is a little graphic that if you scroll over a pop up box displays further info.. the problem is that the little graphic you originally scroll over is also shown on top of this box rather than below like everything else is...

Any ideas as I think I'm getting confused where to set z-index and position to make sure it works
What suggestions have you tried? Which versions of IE?

Provide some sample code. Preferably using jsfiddle.
Where is the mark-up for the popup? If it's in a different element from the graphic you may need to apply z-index to the top level parents so that IE interprets the stacks correctly.
IE has lots of little oddities like this. Try as spunkey says, add position: relative; on that div and see if that works. Pop it on the parent div as well if that doesn't work.
<!-- Always force latest IE rendering engine (even in intranet) & Chrome Frame -->
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">

Try that, might help with newer IE's
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