Z5500 Control pod

14 Jan 2006
I know on the sub in the book etc it says not to extend it with a normal vga lead but why is this?

Is there anyway of extending the control pod atall?

No, i've looked into doing this, i even went to the stage of taking my speaker system apart and seeing which wires are actually wired up in the plug.

A normal VGA lead is wired up differently to the Z5500 speaker system so it won't work.

Couldn't with my Z680's, will be interested to see if you can with the Z5500's.

However with further reading seems like providing its a fully wired 15pin connector it will work, a few guys ended up making one themselves because you can't guarentee which lead will work, few have had ground loop issues, i must have only had 14pin wired VGA leads.
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Ill have a look see if i can find it in a bit, although all I did was search extending Z5500 control pod on google and found plenty of people who have done it using different methods!
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