Z5500 left speaker output not working..

21 Oct 2002
Parts Unknown
It's always been a bit dodgy (used to get hissing from the output to left speaker, even with nothing connected)

It's not the speaker itself or the cable (it would do this no matter which speaker i plugged into the 'left' port)

Since it's out of warranty, anyone got any info on which thing might need looking at? -the control unit or the sub..

My neighbour repairs fairly high tech equipment for a living, so I might just ask him..
I would think the Control unit would be worth while looking at......

I have a set of Z680s (which the Z5500s replaced), and the early release reported "hiss" coming from the speakers when nothing was being played with a bit of volume used, Logitech traced the fault to the Control panel, which they fixed by offering an upgraded Control panel to those who wanted it.
I do have another control panel for the Logitech Z680's you can have, although I don't know if it would work with the Z5500's...
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