Zalman Reserator

15 May 2006
I am considering purchasing a Zalman reserator and would like to know
A) Is it compatible with an Amd Athlon processor on an Asus A7N8X m/b.
B) Is it compatible on a Winfast 4200 Graphics card.
c) Will it fit into an Antec P180 case.
D) Is it future proof with other m/b's and video cards.
E) Does it run silently as i need to have my machine running as silent as possible.

I would be grateful for all comments please

Davethepitch (Stoke on Trent)
Many thanks for your prompt reply i did forget to ask two final questions
A) Can i do away with my case fans.
B) Have there been any issues with leaks or pump failures.

Davethepitch (Stoke on trent)
I think i may have worded my questions incorrectly, when i asked if the Zalman Reserator would fit into a P180 case i only meant all the relevant components.
I see it sounded like i meant the actual Reserator, mind you i must have given some folks a laugh though :).

Well there are two more questions before i decide
1) Is the build quality good
2) Is it worth the price tag

I dont know why i did not ask these questions in the first place.

And its a good job i am not Spanish or my parents would have named me
Juan Dumass (One dumbass)

Davethepitch (Stoke on Trent)
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