Zalman Z9 build

14 Aug 2007
Hi there

Just starting and I've hit a snag. :P

First question
Just starting my build (pics to follow). Should I have my PSU fan facing up or down?

Thanks. :D
Thanks guys, PSU facing down.

DVD drive fitted. Should I fit the HDD and SSD now, as I think I'll struggle to do those once the motherboard is in?

Thanks again. :)
Excellent, I'm finishing work early tomorrow and Friday. Next thing will be those two, and sticking the stuff onto the motherboard. Can't wait. :D
Just done a Zalman build myself. Be good to see how yours goes. Its a great little case, but damnn it was a struggle to cable manage with a non-modular PSU lol. Best of luck though and it looks great :)

Thanks man! Fortunately I have a modular PSU. :p Did you do a thread on it? Would be interesting to take a look at the pics. :)

Just about to put the heatsink on. Is there anything round the house I can use to remove the thermal compound? I don't have any IPA. :(
Sourced some IPA, scrubbed heatsink, reapplied thermal compound, and applied it to the CPU too. Stuck the mobo in the case, and now just need to stick the graphics card in and do the wiring.

It would be helpful to get advice off any experienced builders, or fellow Z9+ builders, about cable management, before I wire it all in! :)
Hi all

Pics to come soon, when I can get them off my camera...

Can anyone help with the fan controller/LED? The LED is not illuminated, and I don't have any fans connected via the fan controller anyway. I should still be able to have the LED lit up though, right?

Below is a picture of the connection, which I assume plugs into a fan socket on the motherboard. It's like a 3-pin connector, but with one pin removed. There are two of these:


Any advice would be much appreciated. :)
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