Zalman ZM-RS6F 5.1 headphones

17 Dec 2007
looking at purchasing these tonight

can't decide which version to get though, the normal ones (i assume these use 3 3mm jacks??) or the USB ones

which is better?

also, what sort of lenght is the cables (i have USB extenders, but would need to buy 3mm extenders)

i have the jack version they are very good headphones but are annoying to use sometimes if you want to swap often between speakers and headphones

Id say that if you have a good sound card get the jack version of you have a basic sound card or mobo sound get the usb, thats what i would do

Read some reviews of each before choosing
I have a pair of these, great for games and watching DVDs and they are okay for listening to music. Not had any problems with them at all, they do feel cumbersome while wearing them, but you do get used to it. (My wife calls them my hairdryers!!! :eek: )

The cables are long, around 12ft long.

IMO, I would get the version with the jack plugs.

They are not the highest quality headphones you could get but they do the job nicely. ;)
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