Zen Vision M replacement?

2 May 2007
Ayrshire, Scotland
Hola :)

My trusty Zen Vision:M 60GB is on the way out, sadly.

The on/off/lock switch on the top is almost unusable, it's become sticky and defective and I suspect the HDD is developing a glitch too, so it's replacement time!

Sadly :(

I've never owned an ipod by the way. I previously had a couple of irivers which I loved dearly.

I'd ideally like the same or more space than the 60GB I currently have, and I'd like FM radio functionality some way, decent sound quality, and the ability to easily copy music to and from the player.

Battery life is also an issue - I'd like to get at least 3 days usage of about 4.5 hours a day between charges - though less than this isn't a deal breaker really.

I have my beloved Westone Um2's for earphones, so they're not an issue.

At the moment I'm thinking Zune 80GB, though I've heard the battery life is awful?

My music is organised with correct tags etc so that shouldn't be an issue. I don't normally sync though - I pick and choose which items out of my music folder are copied to my Zen.

Any help or suggestions as to what I can replace my on the way out Zen Vision M most appreciated?

Cheers :)
ipod classic 80gb -£125 new sealed
ipod fm adapter -£20?
anapod explorer pro -£15

great battery life and much better sound quality than zen vision
easy file transfer
I went from my 60G Vision:M to the 80G Zune and haven't regretted it one bit, it's a great piece of kit and the software isn't that bad at all, although it does rely upon syncing with the folders that you specify, a bit of thought and it's no problem.

I don't know why people moan about the battery life, it's no worse than the VM at all, if not slightly better.

The VM is better in the following ways:

Higher quality screen
Will play virtually any video without re-encoding
Drag and Drop
Can be used as a hard drive

The Zune is better in the following ways:

Bigger screen and not that much worse in quality than the VM
Album art works perfectly
Better player software
Better radio
Looks nicer
20G extra

These are just my opinions by the way.
Cheers for both replies lads :)

I've gone for a new and sealed 80G Zen at £145 delivered. Should be here tomorrow, I'll let you know how I get on :)
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