Zoltan 20th anniversary

Today is the 20th anniversary of Zoltán's passing.
We miss him every day and hope you can join use tonight in a toast with his favourite drink a Jack Daniels.
Never knew Zoltan, but can see he made a large impression on the forum.

Wish your family all the best.
I dont really drink often (2-3 times a year most), but I guess tonight will be one of them!
I'm not much of a whiskey drinker here, but I will toast with some Rhubarbra Streisand (gin).

I read some of Zoltan's threads in retrospect and remember he was really into his cars / F1.

RIP Zoltan.
RIP Zoltan. Reading the thread of his passing was one of my earliest memories of this forum, and one of those times when you could really feel the coming together of a community to pay respects.

For someone I never knew or met, Zoltan poos into my head a lot when I see people with their fog lights on unnecessarily.
Oh I remember well. It's not something that I will forget. I think meeting you and the family was the most heart wobbling experience over the years I've been a member here.

I hope you're doing ok.

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