Zombi (Zombi-U)

12 Sep 2013
Formerly Nintendo's Zombi-U

I've never played it but when I first saw it being promoted for Nintendo I was gutted it was an exclusive.
The game has now been released and PC gamers can get it via Steam and U-play, I'm not sure if Origin has it.

It'll be interesting to compare notes with anyone else that get's it, as well as suggestions and hints at times.
I'm currently downloading on Steam, It's a 20 gb download in case you're interested,

I'll be playing with an AMD gpu so I'll provide performance info for other AMD users soon. I'm sorry if there was another thread for this, I did think there was but I did a quick scroll through of the first 6 pages and never saw it (I may of missed it though).
I am using an Intel i5 2500K running at stock, a 280X Matrix Platinum and 8GB of ram, so pretty average these days.

I have vsync on and it runs at a constant 120fps which is my monitors refresh rate, so no worries about performance with this game. Even a low end PC could run this quite happily.
I bought a WiiU just for this game & then sold it once I had finished for twenty pound less than I paid, on the whole I'd say it was quite good if a little tedious in places, the death mechanic was great at first, but because every time you die you get a new survivor & then have to go find the now reanimated corpse of the last one to recover your gear, you end up going back over the same areas over & over which wears a little thin after a while, also on the WiiU you had to use a screen on the controller for certain actions including scoped rifles, lock picking & inventory management which I found to be completely over done and unnecessary but obviously that mechanic will be changed on PC so could actually be an improvement over the WiiU version.
:confused: Find it quite strange why they're going to release this onto other platforms. (I mean, i understand why they are) The feature for me which i found most immersive in the game was the fact you had a second screen in which you would need to look at to operate on, so you wasn't looking at your TV screen (looking out for the Zombies) the fact you had to multi-task on both screens in order to stay alive becomes really thrilling i believe.
If they have it as a companion app for a tablet or phone perhaps? it might work, but then you'd need to drop your Mouse&Keyboard/Controller in order to operate the tablet where as the Wii U pad is an All-in-one?

Let me know your thoughts guys ;)
r/pcgaming said:
Without the second screen or the kickass King of Zombies multiplayer, it just becomes a generic zombie title with some tough survival and a bit of Dark Souls thrown in.


Pretty much summed up what I imagined it to be like given that the Wii U version had the USP (2nd screen), which the PC version does not have.

Oh and it's Ubishaft.
I bought it. It is a good port, game runs extremely well, controls are perfectly fine.
Missing dust filter is a plus for me, I hate it when games pretend I am actually viewing the game world through a camera instead of my eyes.
Uplay is a non-issue, it adds about three seconds to the game boot, not a big deal.

Wii-u to PS4 Graphics comparison


My thought's:

As mentioned it's a doddle to run which is great, I was gutted when Steam diverted to U-play, I wish that could be avoided, However it doesn't actually matter, As mentioned it only adds a few seconds to the boot. I'm enjoying it and have hit no issues.

That's what Ubisoft haters need to remember. It's not a Ubisoft game and it's not a new game so personally I don't expect it too be buggy and so far it hasn't been.
I bought it. It is a good port, game runs extremely well, controls are perfectly fine.
Missing dust filter is a plus for me, I hate it when games pretend I am actually viewing the game world through a camera instead of my eyes.
Uplay is a non-issue, it adds about three seconds to the game boot, not a big deal.

yeah i never liked the dust/blood on the scren effects i mean i dont go aroudn with a sheet of perspex infront of my face i nreal life to accumulate spatter, if i get dirt splattere din my eye im blind while i writhe in agony trying to get it out not going ~"oo cool dust effect"
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